Page 2 - Florida Sentinel 12-11-20
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  Middleton Grad Competing For $125K Dr. Pepper Tuition Giveaway
  BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
At Middleton High School, Roshard was 2nd in his class, the 2019 “Mr. Middle- ton” runnerup, and a Robot- ics student.
When Roshard Jack- son arrived on the campus of The Florida Agriculture and Mechanical University (FAMU) in the fall, he learned that there had been a miscommunication be- tween the college and his high school. Of course he was devastated to learn that the full scholarship he thought he had earned by being 2nd in his class at Mid- dleton High School was no longer there. He said in a re- cent video, that he and his family would be strapped with thousands of dollars to repay in tuition.
He is studying Mechani- cal Engineering at FAMU.
Roshard is a finalist in the 12th Annual Dr. Pepper
Tuition Giveaway. Dr. Pep- per is doubling the amount of free tuition being awarded this year to $2 million. This larger amount will mean that even more students will make their college dreams into career realities.
Roshard, along with five other contestants, will
compete for a chance to win $125,000, in free tuition to put towards their education.
Roshard was selected as a finalist based on his sub- mission describing how free tuition from Dr. Pepper would help to fulfill his ca- reer goals to change the world through invention and innovation as a Mechanical Engineering major.
“As a young boy, I loved the idea of understanding how things work. So only
naturally, I concluded that I wanted to become an engi- neer. I aspire to create agile robotic systems to help with the jobs that are too danger- ous for people to do them- selves. Bringing forth the future today!,” he said.
For an opportunity to earn the free tuition, Roshard will attempt to throw the greatest number of footballs into the iconic over- sized Dr. Pepper can in 30 seconds. The competition is
Saturday, December 12th, and the event will air on ABC from the Dude Perfect head- quarters in Frisco, Texas.
To date, Dr. Pepper has awarded $10 million to col- lege students in partnership with Scholarship America.
Roshard stated in the video he recorded for Dr. Pepper that he has been in- terested in engineering since childhood. His goal is to earn a Ph.D., in Robotic Engineer- ing.

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