Page 19 - Florida Sentinel 10-20-17
P. 19

     Birthday Celebrants
Happy Birthday to all cele- brating October birthdays!
J. Oscar Simmons, 10/20; Vonshanita Ed- wards, 10/22; Don Ford, 10/26; Tonita Hall, 10/29; Roesolia Young and John Anderson, 10/30; and Do- rian Moore, 10/31.
Special shout out to Rudolph Tolbert, who cele- brated his 87th birthday on 10/13.
Sick And Shut-Ins
Lifting up our fellow Vil- lagers and friends in prayer: Mary Hobley, Johnnie Mae Garner, Marion Washington, Ernestine Turner, Odessa and Charles Roberts, Gwen- dola Small, Hilrie Kemp, Harold Williams, Robbin Taylor, Robert Leek, Sr., Hazel Kennedy, Flora Jones, Clennie McCray and Elouise Griffin.
Expressions Of Sympathy
Our prayers and condo- lences to the family of Dou- glas Archie, a longtime resident of Progress Village, supporter of our youth and community.
“Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal.”
Telling Tampa Bay Stories Progress Village Edition
WUSF Public Media, USF Zimmerman School of Adver- tising and Mass Communica- tions and the Emanuel P. Johnson Community Center
invite you to share your stories and the stories of Progress Vil- lage. Bring photos and other artifacts that remind you of a particular moment to help tell the stories. If you would like to participate email or call 813- 838-7333 and leave your name and number.
Interviews will be held: Saturday, Oct. 21st, 12-2 p. m. Progress Village matters and we need to continue to
document our history.
Collection Of Storm Debris
Hillsborough County is committed to having all hurri- cane related debris picked up by mid-November. An online debris tracking tool at shows the progress of the County’s collection efforts and can help residents estimate when their debris may be col- lected.
For more information you may contact Solid Waste cus- tomer service department at (813) 272-5680 or
First Baptist Church of Progress Village, 8722 Progress Blvd., Thursday 6 p. m. – 7 p. m. and Saturday 9a- 10a. It’s Free! Renii Modis- ette, Instructor.
Clothes And More
Every 3rd Saturday of the month clothes and more are given FREE by First Baptist Church of Progress Village at Bowers/Simmons Park (little
park) under the Pavilion, lo- cated on 86th St. between FB- COPV and St. James A. M. E. Church.
Progress Village Civic Council News
Mark your calendar for the
Fall Festival and Community Outreach to be held on Satur- day, Nov 11th, at Emanuel P. Johnson Community Center, 5855 S. 78th St., 10a – 2p.
There will be free clothes, free home décor, free food and free fun.
Call and share your excit- ing news (birthdays, anniver- saries, special events, reunions, etc.) for Progress Village and surrounding areas to Linda Washington, (813) 741-3604.
   Library News & Events
  Family History Month
Trace your family tree! In 2001 Congress passed a resolution des- ignating October as Family History Month. The Library offers data- base access, genealogical collections and special events dedicated to help with your research.
Teen Horror Fest 2017: Carnival
Saturday, October 21, 2017 * 7 PM - 10 PM Jimmie B. Keel - Community Room C and D
Play games and win prizes in our Haunted Midway! Experience the Funhouse of Horror!
Horror Video Arcade with Smash Bros. || Console Gaming || LAN Gaming || Food || Music and DJ || Horror Movie Theater * For Teens Ages 13+
Mock Interviews
Monday, October 23, 2017 * 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM West Tampa - Tony Garcia Jr. Community Room
The way you present yourself during job search and particularly during interviews can shorten or lengthen your job search! This ses- sion covers how to answer the most critical interview questions and gives an hour of simulated interview practice. Bring a copy of your re- sume and a job description. You will learn how to reduce interview anxiety and gain confidence answering the questions that will get you hired!

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