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2207 21st Avenue, Tampa Florida 33605 • (813) 248-1921 Published Every Tuesday and Friday By
FLORIDA SENTINEL BULLETIN PUBLISHING Co., Member of National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA)
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Tell Them While They‘re Still Here
efore I end any phone
conversation, or leave the company of someone I care for deeply, I attempt to express how much the individ- ual means to me by saying the words: "Love You." Even if there was a heated disagree- ment, I never hang up or walk away without giving them that confirmation.
I do this because I learned a long time ago that life is ex- tremely short. And, if anything ever happens to those closest to me, I don't want to live with the regret of having the last thing I said to them being something stupid, mean or hateful.
I am reminded of this every time I read or hear about a tragedy, like the accident that occurred last week at the
Tampa Electric power plant that takes lives unexpectedly. I think about the family mem- bers who are left behind to mourn and I wonder if they were ever able to tell their fallen loved ones just how much they meant to the people around them?
As humans, we often tend to take life for granted. Even though we're aware of the fact that we live in the midst of a highly unpredictable environ- ment, we continue to hold on to the irrational notion that, “It could never happen to us.” As if untimely, gruesome deaths only happen to people we don't know.
It usually isn't until the per- son, whose beautiful spirit we adore, is snatched from our presence that it dawns on us
how truly un-disaster proof we actually are. But, by then, it's too late.
We end up saying all of the wonderful things that we wish we could have said while the person was alive, while giving a eulogy at their funeral. But what good are beautiful words spoken from a podium over a casket when the person of honor doesn't have the pleas- ure of hearing them?
This is why I'm a firm be- liever of showing those who you love, how much you love them, and why you love them, as often as possible. You may think you have all the time in the world to show your affec- tion but, the bitter reality is, you may not even have tomor- row.
R.I.P. Christopher Irwin, Michael McCort, Antonio Navarrete, and Frank Lee Jones.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Company. You can write to Mr. Barr at: Clarence Barr 43110- 018, Oakdale F. C. I., P. O. BOX 5000, Oakdale, LA 71463.
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C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
A Message To NAACP Members And The Community
n Saturday, July 8, 2017, the Florida State Conference
(FSC) and the National Office of the NAACP held the Spe- cial Election for the Hillsborough County Branch NAACP. This was an election that was scheduled for November 2016. The Special Election for the Branch officers was held from 11:00 AM to 1:00+ PM at the Robert Saunders, Sr., Public Library.
The purpose of this “message” is fourfold.
First, please accept my sincere request for forgiveness to the most important and consistent members of our nearly 100 years old branch. To every “Life Member” that came out to vote on Saturday and was denied due to inadequate and incorrect records, I am truly sorry. Please forgive the HCB NAACP for the indignity and the mishandling of your precious time and mem- berships.
Second, to everyone who participated in the Special Election as Subscribing Life or a Regular Adult Member, please accept an expression of regret for any uneasiness and difficulty with- out courteousness you may have experienced. Your member- ship and support are important to the success of the HCB NAACP and its civil rights goals in achieving the “National Game Changers.”
Third, “Thank You,” to every member who voted for me to continue services to the community through the NAACP. Your vote serves as an incentive to correct the injustices encountered during this Special Election.
Finally, I need your support to accomplish significant im- provements in my secretarial duties for the local Branch. While I may know what to do and how to do it, I can’t do it without your support. I need to establish accurate records for the branch membership. If you live or work in Tampa or Hillsbor- ough County and have a “Life,” “Subscribing Life” or “Adult” Membership, please send me your contact information.
I need your full name, complete mailing address with your zip code, phone number with area code, email address, your membership type (Regular, Subscribing or Life), your status (New or Renewal) and your membership number if you know it. Submit your data to the Branch at: Office Phone: (813) 234- 8683 or (813) 23 – I V O T E; Fax Number: (813) 236-2248; Email:
If you do not hear from me within 30 days, please expect that I did not get your information and call the branch and re- quest that I contact you immediately.
My duties are numerous, but I have accepted this opportu- nity to reforming the HCB NAACP secretarial functions for greater efficiency and effectiveness. I am responsible for the following duties and call me if you experience and concerns with:
Meeting notices; recording minutes of all meetings and all proceedings
Keep records of all members and their dues
Receipt all membership fees, transmit fees to the Treasurer, obtain the national portion of fee from Treasurer, submit na- tional portion with the membership roster
Aid, coordinate and integrate the works of several commit-
We Say Goodbye To Police Chief Ward
ast Thursday morning,
Mayor Bob Buckhorn, cleared his throat and an- nounced that Tampa’s Police Chief, (a young man appear- ing not to be in his late fifties), Eric Ward, would as- sume his post, no more.
Answered Ward, “to pur- sue other interests.” So, ex- cuse us if for no apparent reason (and for every ethical reason in the world) we have difficulty accepting his expla- nation. In Ward’s place – for the time being – steps Asst. Chief Brian Dugan, affable, capable, and respected by fel- low officers. Interim Chief Dugan will do well.
What will be missed in
Ward, is his vision and charisma. His boldness to step out bravely and cre- atively into the community and on social media,(turning his back on in-house warn- ings against using ideas like Instagram, Facebook, etc. as weapons of police work), took more than chutzpah.
It took genuine interest and supreme willingness to go beyond a traditional Law Enforcement frame of mind. Indeed, it took what Chief Eric Ward brought to his often cramped office in a high-rise building facing Tampa’s TECO Park.
We fear if when Ward leaves, will the magic leave with him? Race has nothing
to do with it. Chief Ward was liked by white cops as well as Black cops . . . female cops as well as male cops, Latinos . . . gays and lesbians . . . even the canines like him.
Rumor has it, no matter where he goes, or what he does, the love he leaves at TPD will keep an eye on the front door, waiting for his miraculous return.
But what does Chief Ward have to say away from the cameras? And what will the public say, even years later, about the youngish man who seemingly had it all, but walked away from what he had?
As expected, The Sentinel will stand in line to bid farewell to Chief Eric Ward. But in the backs of our minds, we will surely hate he decided to go.
tees and divisions
Submit reports to every unit and executive committee of its activities and status, submit an-
nual report at the branch annual meeting of its activities and status; submit all reports to the state, region and national offices
Keep the President and CEO informed of all events affecting minorities0000000000 in the vicinity of the branch
Sign every transaction with the President for requisitions and disbursements from the Treas- urer and maintain files of receipts and disbursements
Serves as an ex-officio member of every committee, except the Nomination and Election Su- pervisory Committee
Supervise and assign duties to the Assistant Secretary
Thanks to the Tampa-Hillsborough County NAACP members and community for coming out Saturday to vote for progress in our branch.
You may be disenchanted with your experiences and the results may be inconsistent with your plan, but your support is needed to manage the branch at this time. For every candidate that was on the ballot, whatever happened during this Special Election, the HCB NAACP NEEDS YOU!
You are needed because our actions today are not for us, but for our babies, youth, teens and young adults like those going to Baltimore, Maryland in a week to the NAACP National Conven- tion.
They want our support and need positive directions and role models. Thanks to Mr. and Dr. J. and J. Cole for the outstanding commitment to the Youth Council, ACT-SO and our USF College Chapter. Our youths are watching us and we must show them the right way.
CAROLYN HEPBURN COLLINS Hillsborough County Branch NAACP Secretary Tampa
Letter To The Editor

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