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   Donald Trump: Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
   J ust in case some of our readers start believing President Donald
Trump’s lies and are think- ing about not voting for Joe Biden or not voting at all, let me share the real deal with you.
If you have ever been sold a used car that broke down before you got it home, you can imagine the disappoint- ment you felt in all of the glowing comments the used car salesman made to con- vince you to buy the car. Trump sold America a sec- ond used car for four more years of lies, chaos and dys- function in his speeches to the 2020 Republican Na- tional Convention, last week.
One of the biggest lies was his assertion that he was the best thing for Black Americans, since Abraham Lincoln. The truth is that Presidents John Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson did more for Black Americans than he could ever hope to achieve.
Between support of the Civil Rights Movement and the War on Poverty, respec- tively, Kennedy and John- son signed laws and enacted programs that opened segre- gated doors and lifted large numbers of Blacks out of poverty. Never forget, if the South had cooperated with
Lincoln, we would still be slaves because Lincoln really didn’t want to free the slaves.
Secondly, Trump boasts that the unemployment rate is the lowest in history; Truth: Under President Barrack Obama the unem- ployment rate for Black Americans declined 53% over eight years from 16.8% to 7.9%, and continued to de- cline by 31% under Trump to 3.5%. Trump has hired only one Black in his cabinet while Kennedy and John- son hired Blacks throughout their administration and government departments.
Arrogantly claiming there is no racism in America when referring to the police killings of Black men and women, Trump does not mention his history of racism. Trump was sued twice by the Department of Justice for refusing to rent apartments to Blacks in New York in the 1970s.
Moreover, when he vis- ited his casino in Ocean City, New Jersey, he told the man- ager to move Blacks on the floor to the kitchen or other jobs where they wouldn’t be seen.
In another instance a for- mer employee said that Trump found out a Black man worked in his com- pany’s finance department
Trump made racist and dis- paraging remarks about a Black man who was “han- dling his money.”
Most telling of his actions is the appointment of over 200 judges over the past three years and none of them are Black.
In the midst of our sim- mering police community race relations, Trump has never expressed genuine concern for any of the police killing deaths or admitted that there are instances when unnecessary force has been used in the deaths and in- juries of Blacks, even after the killing of George Floyd. The reason he is so noncha- lant is because right after he became president, Trump ordered the Justice Depart- ment to curb the use of Obama era consent decrees on police departments for discrimination and excessive use of force, a clear” move away from protecting the civil rights of Blacks.
These are just a few of the actions taken by Trump that have actually harmed Black Americans. I will continue to research and share Trump behaviors that are clearly not in the best interest of Blacks. There is no doubt in my mind that Trump is still the same man he was in the 1970’s when he would not rent housing to Blacks. At least Biden has repented for his past comments and be- haviors, has changed his ac- tions, chose a Black queen as his Vice President, and was endorsed by President Barack Obama, Mrs. Michelle Obama, and Congressman Jim Clyburn of South Carolina.
The choice is clear.
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  C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
     A Convention Of Lies And Fearmongering
 In case you missed the television coverage of the 2020 Republican National Convention, you only missed a heavy dose of lies, half-truths and fearmon- gering. Even though the speakers were convincing (un- less you read and investigate things for yourself), there were a large number of believable comments made. Fortunately, newscasters were fact checking each of the sessions. There were so many false statements made and information left out, we will only address a few of them today.
A wild claim was made about how Donald Trump helped the auto industry to grow, yet the auto workers union is supporting Joe Biden because they have not seen the growth Trump boasts about. Had the Coron- avirus not hit wherein the auto industry retrofitted their plants to make needed medical equipment, the industry would have suffered severe losses.
Another lie was told when the RNC officials lauded President Trump by saying the administration “did a great job” of sending ventilators and other equipment needed to fight the virus. Moreover, they claimed that everyone who needed a ventilator received one and saved millions of lives.
Hardly mentioning the Coronavirus Pandemic as one of the two major problems facing America today, no mention was made of the millions of recovering pa- tients and the families of the 180,000 victims who died since January 2020.
When referring to the economy being robust and the Wall Street breaking records, no credit was given to President Barack Obama, who inherited a sagging economy and reduced the deficit from $1.4 trillion to $500 billion by 2014, had several years of a budget deficit under a trillion, and built a stable economy for Trump to inherit and continue the growth. The recent national debt just passed $23 trillion.
While most of the protests for George Floyd, Bre- onna Taylor and other Blacks murdered by police of- ficers have been peaceful, the protestors were described as violent, lawless, a threat of people living in low-income housing moving to the suburbs and would eventually take over the neighborhoods, bring-
  ing crime. Evidence exists that racial hate groups and people from other communi- ties are instigating most of the lawlessness.
Finally, many of the most blatant lies were made against Joe Biden who was blamed for supporting violent protestors, advocating for defunding of police depart- ments, embraces people who want to burn America down, will have uncontrolled immigration at our borders, has been sending jobs to China and destroying our econ- omy, promising healthcare to immigrants, supporting sanctuary cities, opposes school choice and charter schools.
The truth of each of these topics will be discussed in detail in future Editorials.

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