Page 18 - Florida Sentinel 7-8-22
P. 18

     Days Of Our Lives
Ciara questions Shawn about his feelings for Jan. The walls close in on Jan. Rafe makes an arrest in Abigail’s murder case. Leo has a scratchy run-in with Will. EJ makes a stunning confession to Chad. While fighting with Nancy, Leo has a realization about Clyde. Belle gets pulled back towards Shawn. Jan lures Shawn to the docks and reveals her latest plan. Leo grows even more suspicious of Gwen. Ciara and Ben set sail on a new adventure. Shawn and Belle have a heart- to-heart. Marlena cautions EJ about his involvement with Belle.
General Hospital
Brando makes a tough de- cision regarding Sasha. Sonny presses Nina on what’s wrong.Cody interrupts Michael and Willow at the Quartermaine stables. While talking with Kevin, Britt re- ceives an unexpected item.Drew explains to Carly. Chase refutes Finn’s asser- tion. Ned thinks he knows what’s upsetting Brook Lynn.Alexis asks Gregory why he hasn’t accepted her chal- lenge. Laura expresses con- cern about Anna’s relationship with Valentin, while he meets with Victor in
the park. Kevin brings an un- expected visitor to Liz. Ned and Olivia have different as- sessments of Cody. As Britt and Terry connect over work and dating, they’re inter- rupted by an unexpected ar- rival. Having overheard Anna place a phone call, Victor con- fronts her. Laura is worried by Valentin’s request.
The Bold And Beautiful
Finn awakens and is star- tled by his surroundings and his situation when he sees Sheila and Mike. Jack visits Taylor and Thomas in hopes of getting information about Li and Finn. Sheila attempts to keep Finn calm as his mem- ory comes flooding back. Eric makes a special announce- ment. Taylor grills Deacon for information about Sheila be- fore spilling the tea about Ridge and Brooke. In an at- tempt to escape his captivity, Finn plays a trick on Sheila.
Young And The Restless
Victor connects the dots about Ashland. Phyllis regrets her decisions. Victor keeps Adam in line. Nikki counsels Nick. Chelsea makes a confes- sion. Nick demands answers from Jack. Sally questions her future with Adam. Sharon points Nick in the right direc- tion.
Cancer: Stars shall favor your work and career front. You will get many chances to display your capability and skills. Do utilize these oppor- tunities to the maximum. Leaders, managers, doctors, lawyers, sales people and models/actors look set to ben- efit the most. In the domestic domain, you will be able to es- tablish a harmonious equa- tion. However, the latter part of the week would require you to be very careful, especially while managing stress, con- flicts or any ongoing issues.
Leo: The week offers a mixed plate of ups and downs. You will see that people get impressed by you quite easily. At this time, you will be strong enough to beat your rivals and enemies. Love stars start out shining, however, things may take a downward trend, after this. Conflicts, lack of har- mony and pressure from fam- ily members may leave you stressed. Keep yourself in best shape.
Virgo: You will get chances to add a new sparkle to your personal life, this week. How- ever, you must guard against getting into mindless conflicts and arguments with your spouse or loved ones. Do not use harsh words or sarcastic comments. Thankfully, the equation, if at all disturbed, shall be reconciled by the end of the week. For singles, the last 2 days of the week would
be favourable, if they plan to advance their love moves. In- dulging in amusing and happy discussions at this time will be your best bet! Be ready to deal with a sudden rise in ex- penses.
Libra: Planets will strengthen your aura in many areas, this week. Commerce, teaching, training, technol- ogy, production, services and related sectors shall benefit the most. Your social standing may rise, or you may receive an award for your good work. Mid-week, the stars turn fre- netic suddenly, making you pretty active and busy at the work place, while largely un- available at the home front. Obviously, this may lead to some unpleasant situations at home, which may leave you ir- ritable. Watch out!
Scorpio: Matters related to home, buildings, real-es- tate, construction, renovation etc. may take the center stage. You look set to benefit in the matters of inheritances and legacies. Law and jurisdiction related matters are favored by the stars. You will be able to beat your rivals at their own games. In love matters, tide shall be in your favor. A secret revealed by a close one, around the weekend, may make you anxious.
Sagittarius: Happy stars on the personal front help you stay on a positive note. Health-wise, stars may not favor you.You may suffer from pains and aches. However, your efforts to address the health issues shall bear posi- tive results, as the week closes. Success is foreseen in work matters; your income may increase. Ongoing trou- bles may get resolved in the personal domain.
Capricorn: Your strength and fitness should register an increase. This happy state of mental and physical wellness will fill you with blissful en- ergy and enthusiasm for life. Your hobbies and work re- lated to your interests may also benefit from the positive vibes at this time.Troubles brewing between couples may end, this week. Singles too shall get due chances to en- hance their love life. Mid- week, you may work hard to increase your wealth – and the results shall be encourag- ing.Personal relations may suffer too under the adverse
shadow of the stars at this time. Be careful.
Aquarius: Business re- lated matters shall get a defin- itive boost. If you stick to your workout and fitness regime, you will be able to get good results in increasing your stamina and strength. Happiness in the family af- fairs will please you. Invest- ments shall be gainful. Competitive situations and success shall benefit from planetary vibes in the week’s latter half. Your efforts to take a step forward in a love rela- tionship shall bear fruits.
Pisces: Feelings of ma- ternal love will leave you happy and overwhelmed, this week. You may also plan to host a family function. This rise in positive feelings shall make you ambitious, and you may wish to add to your com- forts and luxuries. Just don’t over spend or you may later find yourself in a money mess. Career-wise, things shall re- main largely sorted, helping you achieve more than you may have expected. Great! In the third phase of the week, you may have to undertake work/ pleasure related trav- els.
Aries: You began the week on a good note, specifi- cally in work and career sphere. You will benefit, thanks to your technical and intellectual skills. You may also organize or moderate an important meeting or discus- sion. Financially too, stars look bright. Mid week, there may be an unexpected mone- tary gain. However, it is your personal life that will require patience and tact. Be polite, while dealing with any con- flicts that may crop up in the week’s second half. Parents will receive good news about their children.
Taurus: The week’s stars are poised to enhance your happiness and success, specif- ically in your domestic do- main. Your heart will fill with joy on seeing the increased closeness in all your family bonds. You will get financial benefits and praises, but your responsibilities look set to in- crease too. You will, however, need to invest well all the extra money that comes your way now, or you will end up dwindling it.
Gemini: Matters related to real estate, property or in- heritance may reach a resolu- tion. Your efforts will bear positive results. There will be happiness on the domestic front. In career matters, you look set to travel. Subjects like creative arts, management, medicine, fashion studies, training etc. look set to benefit from the planetary vibes.

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