Page 6 - Florida Sentinel 9-29-15 Edition
P. 6

Pope Francis Visits The White House
President And Mrs. Obama Host State Dinner For President And First Lady Of China On Friday
China’s first lady, Peng Liyuan, First Lady Michelle Obama, China’s president Xi Jinping and President Obama at the State Dinner Friday night.
China’s President Being Called President Obama’s #1 Frenemy
President Obama and the First Lady greet Pope Francis upon arrival for the State Arrival Ceremony. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
President Obama talks to Pope Francis as the Army Fife and Drum Corps march.
(Official White Lawrence Jackson)
Photo by
Large crowd greet Pope Francis at the White House.
Pres. Obama Meets With Russian President Monday
President Obama
and Russian Presi-
dent Vladimir Putin
had a sit-down meeting
Monday, their first in
two years, amid new
tensions in recent
weeks between the al- PRESIDENTS OBAMA And PUTIN
Obama’s Biggest
ready-adversarial world leaders.
An all-star star lineup of world leaders took the stage at the United Nations on Mon- day, but all eyes were on the sidelines for the first meeting between the estranged U. S. and Russian leaders in nearly a year.
The duo came face-to-face at a time when relations between the U. S. and Russia have fallen to near Cold War-level lows amid disagreements over Syria and Ukraine.
The two countries were un- able to agree on the premise of the meeting — the White House says that Putin reached out, which the Kremlin dis- putes — or even what the two
leaders will discuss.
The White House initially
said the talks focused on Ukraine, while the Kremlin said Syria and the fight against ISIS will be at the fore. The Obama administration has since confirmed Syria was on high on the agenda.
Putin told "60 Minutes" on Sunday that he and Pres. Obama "listen to each other in a way," but when asked if the U. S. President considers him an equal said: "How could I know what he thinks?"
Before he gets to hear for himself, both Presidents Putin and Obama will ad- dress the world leaders gath- ered from the floor of the U. N. General Assembly.
blasted JohnBoehner right-wing ....speaker of lawmakers the House and groups as “false prophets” who “whip people into a frenzy” to make legislative de- mands that “are never going to happen.”
The Ohio Republican also declared on CBS’ Face the Na- tion Sunday that there won’t be a government shutdown this week, though he’s “sure” it will take Democratic votes to pass a temporary funding ex- tension.
“The Bible says, beware of false prophets. And there are people out there spreading, you know, noise about how much can get done,” Boehner said.
“We got groups here in town, members of the House and Senate here in town, who whip people into a frenzy be- lieving they can accomplish things they know — they know! — are never going to happen,” he added.
Boehner also reflected on his four-and-a-half years as speaker, emotionally de- scribed Pope Francis’ visit last week as a moment of clar- ity for him, and spoke gener- ally about his legislative plans over the next month before he departs. Boehner had origi- nally planned to call it quits on his birthday, November 17.
The presidents of the U. S. and China agree to continue to disagree on points of conflict including cyber espionage.
China: Can't live with it, can't live without it.
That was the implied mes- sage of President Barack Obama's press conference with a visiting Chinese Presi- dent Xi Jinping on Friday, during which President Obama stressed the vital im- portance of the U. S.-China re- lationship while also citing a litany of conflicts with Bei- jing's authoritarian Commu- nist regime.
The tension was captured in their announcement of a major cyber security agree- ment in which the two coun- tries agreed to try harder to stop online sabotage and theft— up to a point.
President Obama under- scored China’s role in Amer- ica’s economic recovery, noting that U.S. exports to the country have doubled during his presidency, creating one million jobs.
But the President also re- minded his host that jailing ac- tivists, lawyers, and other dissidents doesn’t square with America’s values and limits China’s future growth. On which America depends.
“Our nations are working together more closely,” Pres- ident Obama said in the
White House Rose Garden alongside a smiling, well- coiffed Xi.
But he went on to detail, at varying points, “candid discus- sions,” “significant concerns,” “a frank discussion” and “real differences” on issues like human rights and China’s maritime territorial claims.
After that, the President declared his talks with Xi “ex- tremely productive overall.”
It’s inevitable that the U. S.- China relationship would be riddled with points of dis- agreement. China is a country of 1.3 billion people with the world’s second-largest econ- omy. The dialogue between Washington and Beijing cov- ers everything from agricul- ture to nuclear security to trade to the status of Taiwan.
Xi responded to Pres. Obama’s mixed message in kind. He celebrated Chinese- American cooperation — while standing firm on several key points of disagreement.
In response to U. S. con- cerns about China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea, which President Obama says threaten regional security and maritime commerce, Xi was unrepentant. “Islands in the South China Sea since an- cient times are China’s terri- tory,” he said through a translator. “We have the right to uphold our own property.”
Nemesis Quits
In his first one-on-one interview since his res- ignation an- nouncement,
China’s president Xi Jinping and President Obama met Speaker onFriday.
President Obama News

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