Page 31 - Florida Sentinel 10-9-20
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Compton Shooting: Charges Filed In Ambush Of 2 Deputies Earlier This Month
Facebook, Twitter And TikTok Say Wishing Trump's Death From COVID-19 Is Not Allowed
Twitter confirmed on Fri- day that tweets wishing Presi- dent Trump does not recover from the coronavirus will be removed from the platform.
As reaction to President Trump's positive coron- avirus test floods social media, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok have a message to users: Wishing for the presi- dent to die is not allowed.
All three tech companies confirmed that such posts will be removed for violating each platform's content policies.
As moderators scramble to pull down posts that express hope that Trump succumbs to the virus, wild speculation, conspiracy theories and other falsehoods about the presi- dent and first lady's positive COVID-19 tests have been surging on the platforms, with each of them making dicey calls about what is per- missible and what crosses a line.
On Trump death wishes, though, the companies fell in line.
A Facebook spokesperson said posts wishing Trump's death — including comments on the president's pages, and posts that tag him — will be taken down from the social network.
Twitter said tweets that "wish or hope for death, seri- ous bodily harm or fatal dis- ease" against anyone, including the president, will be pulled off the platform. Twitter says such "abusive" behavior can lead to an ac- count being suspended.
Campus Police Entered A
        Deonte Lee Murray, the man accused in the ambush shooting of two Los Angeles County deputies in Compton earlier this month, has been charged with attempted mur- der, prosecutors announced last Wednesday.
Murray, 36, was taken into custody after a lengthy stand- off three days after the deputies were shot, though his arrest was unrelated to the at- tack on the deputies, Sheriff Alex Villanueva initially said.
The deputies, a 31-year-old woman and a 24-year-old man, were shot in the face and head while sitting in their pa-
trol car near the Compton metro station. Both underwent surgery and have been re- leased from the hospital. They are expected to make a full re- covery.
At the time of his arrest, Murray, who has suspected gang ties, was charged with one felony count each of car- jacking, second-degree rob- bery, and assault with a semiautomatic firearm - per- sonal use of a firearm. The charges also included allega- tions of association with a criminal street gang, discharg- ing a rifle inflicting great bod- ily injury, and personal use of an AR-15.
A college freshman at Stephen F. Austin State Uni- versity in Texas was sound asleep when campus police entered her room at 3 a.m. on September 14, with one offi- cer's gun drawn, her lawyer and university officials said.
The freshman, Christin Evans, 18, hadn't committed any crime, her lawyer, Ran- dall Kallinen, told CNN. Rather, she was the victim of a "swatting" set up by her two roommates. Eleven women, including her roommates, were involved in the incident, SFA Chief of Police John Fields confirmed in a news conference Wednesday morn- ing.
"A story was made up about
her that she was threatening to stab people in the room with scissors," Kallinen said. "It was extremely traumatiz- ingforherandhasledtoalot of problems psychologically and she is suffering from de- pression. Whenever she hears any footsteps outside of her dorm room, she's always terrified."
The lawyer said the individ- uals had "convinced" the dorm's resident assistant, who called campus police, that Evans, who was 17 at the time, was having a manic episode and was going to stab people with scissors.
It's unclear why the stu- dents targeted the freshman, Fields said.
Sleeping Student's Dorm Room With A Gun And Taser

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