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FLORIDA SENTINEL BULLETIN PUBLISHING Co., Member of National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA)
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    A No-Win Scenario
   fter struggling with the
decision to take or not take the COVID-19 vaccine, I've finally decided that scheduling an appointment for the needle may be the best route to go. To be clear, my decision wasn't based on a new found trust for the product. I simply came to the conclusion that being vaccinated appears to be the lesser of two evils.
If COVID-19 was one of those make-believe threats that I never saw first-hand, I probably still wouldn't sign up to be inoculated. But, be- cause I've come into direct contact with individuals whose bodies were ravaged by the virus and have heard countless stories from peo- ple I know, whose loved ones have suffered strokes or died after being exposed, it made me realize that navigating this environment without at least a little protection is like walking through a war zone without a gun, bulletproof
vest or helmet.
I mean, a person may be
lucky enough to survive the gunfire during such an event. But he or she may be just as likely to walk in the way of a stray bullet. To me, it only makes sense to be prepared for either scenario.
Like most conspiracy the- orists who have read books like Behold The Pale Horse by William Cooper back in the '90s, I understand why hesitancy exists when it comes to tak- ing the shot. Considering how eerily similar current events mirror the type of ne- farious governmental strate- gies Cooper warned us about in his classic work of non-fiction (one being a planned viral outbreak that requires everyone to receive a vaccine which covertly in- serts a nano-sized mi- crochip) it's not surprising that a number of people have their spider senses tin- gled when they're told that
"the shot" will soon be mandatory. But when faced with the alternative of possi- ble permanent disability, death, loss of employment, lack of access and, in some states, jail time, our options become severely limited.
If we could isolate our- selves from one another until this entire thing went away, while still managing to make money, socialize and live fulfilling lives, refusing a concoction put together in a laboratory would be a no- brainer.
But, because that isn't the case and more harmful vari- ants of the virus are on the horizon, (get ready to hear the name Lambda more often), wearing a mask and being vaccinated present the only avenues available to maintain good health due to the circumstances.
Unfortunately, thanks to COVID-19, we can now call that tiny area between a rock and a hard place home. And, sadly, it may be a long time before we're able to find a new residence.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Com- pany. You can email
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  C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
     America’s Taliban
 merica has its own Taliban! In fact, we have nu-
merous branches of the Taliban – state, public, private, elected, and self-appointed Taliban. The In- surrection Taliban – a consortium of hate groups- stormed the United States Capitol on January 6th in an attempt to overthrow the United States government.
The Arkansas State Taliban with other state Tal- iban recently restricted access to medical treatment for transgender youth. Attempts to restrict voting for minorities, the elderly, and other groups were suc- cessfully carried out by Texas, Florida, and approxi- mately 40 other state Taliban.
Most recently, the Texas Taliban passed a Gestapo- style anti-abortion bill that turns ordinary citizens and service providers into an American Gestapo. Nu- merous other state Taliban are poised to pass or en- force similar legislation. Don’t forget the anti-mask Taliban, which includes the State of Florida, that wants the right to infect everyone with the Coron- avirus.
After the 2022 Elections, look for other pro-femi- nist Taliban (female dominated legislatures) that will pass laws that mandate the following: only men who work will be able to father children. Any unemployed male, male rapist or male incest perpetrator who fa- thers a child will be required to undergo a vasectomy.
Moreover, any unmarried male will be required to pay a minimum of one-half the amount it takes to raise a child based upon the current standard (today’s standard is $10,216 annually, $1,146 monthly, $198 weekly) by payroll deduction for each child.
Male rapists will be required to pay child support for each fathered child based on the standard amount at the time of birth of the child and to forfeit all owned property up to the amount equal to 18 years of child support. Such legislation will be implemented as women’s answer to the rash of anti-abortion laws.
While such legislation appears to be anti-male, it will control what men do with their bodies. Fair is Fair! So, the next time you think about the Taliban, don’t think about the Middle East. We have our own Taliban, too!
    The Florida Lottery Is Funding Futures
   Helping Schools And Students Win
Since the Florida Lottery’s establishment in 1988, we have remained committed to en- hancing public education in Florida.
Over the past 32 years, the Florida Lottery has provided life-changing opportunities to both our players and students statewide.
Their steadfast commitment to education has allowed them to contribute more than
$39 billion to K-12 schools, state colleges and universities and to students through the Bright Futures Scholarship Program.
Created in 1997 by the Florida Legisla- ture, the Bright Futures Scholarship Program assists students in pursuing postsecondary educational career goals. Since the program’s inception, the Florida Lottery has con- tributed more than $6.2 billion to send nearly 900,000 students to college.
The Florida Lottery is proud to be a dedi- cated and dependable funding source for public education, contributing more than $1 billion annually for the past 18 consecutive years, while remaining one of the most effi- cient lotteries in the country. From commu- nity learning to graduate studies, they’re helping Florida’s students turn their dreams into futures.
We thank you for helping us reach these incredible milestones, as a portion of every ticket purchased goes towards education. We hope that the benefits of our contributions continue to be felt in communities across the entire state.

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