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 Nonprofit Softball League Brings Community Together
BY MONIQUE STAMPS Sentinel Staff Writer
The residents of Riverview and surrounding areas have a new opportu- nity to get together and play some softball. The Riverview Softball League, a new minority-owned non- profit organization, is cur- rently in its second year.
“Sundays at Progress Vil- lage Park are now consid- ered 'Fundays,' thanks to the weekly softball games held on this day,” says Kym Graves-Kalu, the Vice- President of the league.
The new league has been attracting new players for a year now, reflecting players from all occupations. The league has more than dou- bled in participation in the second year, leading to a boost in expansion and over- all community involvement and empowerment, accord- ing to Graves-Kalu.
The league also partners with local charities to build community support and en- gagement. Currently, they are partnering with Echo of Brandon, to help needy fam- ilies in the Tampa Bay area.
Kym Graves-Kalu and Corey Manley, League VP and Commis- sioner.
Family-Owned OD Jones Roofing Continues To Serve Its Customers
      The league started in January 2021 with only forty players and has grown to over 150 players. Typical players are adults from age 18to60andcanbemenor women. Players should re- side in one of the surround- ing areas of unincorporated Hillsborough County, such as Riverview, Apollo Beach, Sun City Center, Ruskin, and Gibsonton.
Graves-Kalu and League Commissioner, Corey Manley, took over from the founder, Lind- say Nelmes, when other
priorities arose. Nelmes and Graves-Kalu worked many hours to clean up Progress Village Park to make it safe for the families that would be gathering.
This year, the league started inviting different food trucks to serve partici- pants and their families, and partner with local busi- nesses.
The next registration will be in the fall. To get more in- formation, or to try out for the next season, visit https://riverviewsoftball-
BY MONIQUE STAMPS Sentinel Staff Writer
For more than 45 years, O.D. Jones Roofing has built a solid business in the roo- fing and general contracting industry.
The company was foun- ded as a handy-man business in 1974 by Otha D. Jones in Bartow, FL. O.D. Jones began taking classes in car- pentry and masonry with the idea of learning the business because he had dreams of one day building his own home. Mr. Jones earned his Residential Contractor li- cense in 1980.
Today, Mr. Jones’ son, Eric Jones, leads the com- pany his father started. He and his wife relocated to Tampa from Bartow and moved the family business to Tampa a little more than a year ago to be closer to fa- mily.
Eric Jones is a former Marine. After he retired from the service, he joined the fa- mily business, following in his father’s footsteps. He re- ceived his general contrac- tor’s license and roofing license in 2007.
“We are a 100% Black- owned business, and we take care of our community. We offer competitive prices, and our financing is designed to help people get the roof they need. Roofs are extremely important, and our custo- mers can depend on us to de- liver a quality product,” says Jones.
OD Jones Roofing han-
ERIC JONES ...Owner of OD Jones Roofing, Inc
dles commercial and resi- dential roofing needs. Their services include installing shingles, metal, flat/built-up roofs, storm damage repairs, and expert handling of insu- rance wind and hail claims.
Jones states that their main objective is customer satisfaction.
Since roofing is one of the most expensive home impro- vement projects, OD Jones offers comprehensive finan- cing options, with no down payment necessary.
Jones states, “We need people that look like us doing business in our communities. People that understand gro- wing up and living in a Black community. We can relate to each other culturally.”
Eric Jones is married to Pamela Hardy-Jones, and they have a blended family of three children and four grandchildren.
To contact OD Jones Contracting, visit the website at https://odjo-, or call 813-585-9238 for a free quote and consultation.

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