Page 12 - Florida Sentinel 5-20-16 Online Edition
P. 12

Opinions Vary On Use Of BP Funds For The Julian B. Lane Riverfront Park
When Mayor Bob Buckhorn announced his plans to use a significant chunk of the city’s $20 mil- lion BP settlement from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill for the Julian B. Lane River- front Park project, he gained supporters and rejecters.
After all of the assess- ments were completed on the cost of renovating the park, costs started approaching $30 million, and may get higher.
City officials are looking to the state for up to $10 mil- lion for the project. City Hall budgeted $5 million for an ambitious redevelopment of the park.
When Mayor Buck- horn reported that at least $10 million of the projected cost hadn’t been covered, he hoped funds from the voter- backed Amendment 1 would take care of the shortfall.
Approved by 75% of sate voters in 2014, the constitu- tional amendment sets aside a third of the tax on real es- tate documents for land pur- chases, restoration and conservation.
The Sierra Club has op- posed the Mayor’s plan, say- ing the Amendment 1 funds were meant to buy and pre- serve natural habitat, some- thing they felt the city wouldn’t be doing.
On Thursday, City Coun- cil members listened to those for and against using the BP funds for the park.
Representing the West Tampa Chamber of Com- merce, Ed Turanchik said they endorse the use of the BP funds for the park renova- tion.
Others in favor of the funds being used for the park were Tampa Housing Au- thority CEO, Jerome Ryans, and North Boulevard Homes Resident Council President, David Gallon.
In opposition to the use of the funds for the park were some West Tampa residents who felt they should be al- lowed to develop a plan for the park, because it belongs to the West Tampa and West Riverfront communities.
James Ransom said everyone needs to remember that the park is in West Tampa, and every decision made by the Council should reflect diversity.
“The community sur- rounding the park is a very diverse area, and I think the policy needs to be changed regarding the procedure in acquiring the funds for the park.”
Councilman Frank Reddick said there has been a long legacy of neglect when it comes to the Riverfront Park, and it’s time that some- thing is done to make it right.
One citizen suggested the BP funds be used for the city’s stormwater problems.
At press time, the Council hadn’t voted on the use of the BP funds for the Riverfront Park project.
In the Spotlight this week is Linda, and she is def- initely an asset to the entertainment and modeling industry. A natural in front of the camera, Linda hopes all of her hard work will bring in big dividends and make her a household name. Congratulations to Linda as this week’s Spotlight feature.
Middleton Class Of 1972 And 1973
The Middleton Class of 72 and 73 will have its monthly meeting on Saturday, May 21, 2016at2p.m.atthe C.Blythe Andrews, Jr. Public Library, 2607 E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Tampa, FL 33610, P: 813-273-3652.
Community Feeding For Homeless, Those In Need
Mt. Olive M. B. Church, 4008 E. Cayuga will be feeding the homeless and those in need on Saturday, May 21, 2016, 11 a. m. The church will be celebrating 1 year after they started a community garden on vacant property near the church. They will also distrib- ute clothing.
Rev. Michael White is the pastor.
Old West Tampa Neighborhood Association
The Old West Tampa Neighborhood Association will hold the monthly meeting on Monday, May 23rd at 6:30 p. m. at the Martin Luther King Recreation Center, 2200 N. Oregon Ave., Tampa, 33607. For more information please contact oldwesttam-
Deadline Approaching To Apply For Citizen Boards And Councils
Applications due May 26, 2016
Hillsborough County Com- missioners are seeking resi- dents to serve on several County citizen advisory boards and councils. Residents inter- ested in seeking appointment must be registered voters in Hillsborough County. These are voluntary positions and members serve without com- pensation.
Applicants may apply to more than one board, but may only serve on one board at a time unless specifically ap- proved by the BOCC. All appli- cants must submit a completed Questionnaire for County Appointments and a Standards of Conduct form.
The deadline to apply is May 26, 2016. Appointments will be scheduled for a meeting of the Board of County Com- missioners in June or July 2016.
The forms are available in the Commissioners’ reception area on the second floor of County Center, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd. in downtown Tampa; by calling the Boards and Councils Coordinator at (813) 272-5826; or on the County’s website at:
All forms must be signed and dated and be completed in entirety to be eligible.
$1,000 Academic Scholarship
The Better Living for Seniors Hillsborough Alliance, (BLS Hillsborough) is now accepting applications for their $1,000 academic scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to a student in good standing who is enrolled in a formal, post sec- ondary program in preparation for a career that involves work- ing with older adults. Applicants must reside in Hillsborough County.
Additional information about the scholarship and applica- tions are available on the BLS website,
Interested students should complete and submit their scholarship application and supporting essay by June 24, 2016 to be considered for the scholarship. Finalists will be notified by July 22, 2016 and will be expected to par- ticipate in an interview conducted by a panel of BLS members as part of the application process.
For more information, please contact Patty Suarez, 813- 676-5616 or

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