Page 16 - Florida Sentinel 5-20-16 Online Edition
P. 16

All About You!   Local
To My Greatest Achievement Ever
Congrats on graduating from Broach Academy to the next level.
He’s a 7th grade honor roll student.
Also, happy belated 12th birthday.
Happy Birthday
Imagine going to the Tem- ple Terrace Public Library and checking out a sewing machine. Or a cheesecake pan. Or even a ukulele. Welcome to the “li- brary of things,” a growing na- tional movement to expand library services by letting resi- dents check out much more than books, DVDs or other media.
Libraries across the country have begun accepting dona- tions of items in their commu- nities, which in turn they can lend to library patrons. These items may include tools, cam- eras, board games, cooking ap- pliances – you name it.
The Temple Terrace Public Library is expanding the move- ment in Hillsborough County with its new Beyond Books Lending Library.
The library has begun accu- mulating items, with plans to dramatically expand. They’re seeking donated cookware, hand tools, board games, tape measures, clothes irons, small musical instruments and more.
“It’s a need we’ve seen that isn’t often expressed. Where can I get a plumber’s wrench without having to buy one? Where can I get a Dora the Ex- plorer cake pan that I’m only going to use once? It’s a very
practical service. You don’t have to buy something you’re only going to use one time,” Li- brary Director Teressa Fraser.
Hillsborough County offers computer tablets, anatomically correct human figures for phys- iological study, and yes, ukule- les. But the Temple Terrace library will be offering much more, starting with household items and perhaps expanding to such things as men’s neck- ties, fine art and hobby kits.
“We’re open to suggestions. We’re going for a much broader, more diverse collec- tion of items,” Ms. Fraser said.
The library won’t accept items that require batteries or fuel, or that need repair. Items can be checked out for 21 days. Thereisa$1adaylatefeeto encourage timely returns. To learn more about the Beyond Books Lending Library, or to make a donation, call (813) 506-6770.
“Everyone we’ve spoken to has been really excited about it,” Fraser said. “We just want community involvement, whether it’s donating items or participating in the program. So far, we’ve gotten a great re- sponse.”
Look Who’s Turning 6!
My handsome son will be 6 years old on May 21, 2016. He’ll be celebrating his day at Chuck E. Cheese in Bran- don. Happy birthday to my only child.
From: mommy, Glamma Linda; father, Joseph; aunt, Yvonne; uncle, Ike; grandma and grandpa, Joseph and Jewel Reed.
I love you, birthday boy. From mom, Patrice.
Happy 6th birthday, Joshua.
Happy birthday to the twins, Eric and Derrick Best, who celebrated their day on Earth and in Heaven, on Tuesday, May 17, 2016.
May you both continue to be blessed!
‘Library Of Things’ Envisions A World Beyond Books
His Repentance
Lord, I pray that You would convict my hus- band of any error in his life. Let there be nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known (Matthew 10:26). Cleanse him from any secret sins and teach him to be a per- son who is quick to con- fess when he is wrong (Psalm 19:12). Help him to recognize his mistakes. Bring him to full repen- tance before You. Lord, I know that humility must come before honor (Proverbs 15:33). Take away all pride that would cause him to deny his faults and work into his soul a humility of heart so that he will receive the honor You have for him.
Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way ever- lasting. PSALM 139:23-24

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