Page 22 - Florida Sentinel 5-20-16 Online Edition
P. 22

WARNING: 180,000 Pacifiers Recalled From Target, Walmart, Amazon & Babies R Us
Ladies: Don’t Ignore These 4 Health Pillars
May is an important month when it comes to women’s health. Mother’s Day kicked off National Women’s Health Week, and the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services wants to make sure that it serves as a way to empower women to make health a priority.
This month, take the opportu- nity to take care of yourself and find the time to sit down with your doctor or health care provider to discuss ways to take control of your health.
Diet - The journey to a healthier lifestyle begins with finding healthy food options. As the rate of hypertension and dia- betes continues to increase in the African American community, we must find healthier options that help decrease sugar and salt in foods. Another way to help create a healthy eating environ- ment is to watch the portion sizes of meals and find an app that can help cut back on caloric intake.
Heart - According to data from the Institute for Women’s Police Research, the biggest killer of women in the nation is heart disease. That means, 1 in 4 women dies from heart disease in the United States.
To protect your heart, it’s time you find any opportunity to get active, no matter where you are or what time of the day it is. Changing the routine is the name of the game and it can start with walking the dog a little bit faster, taking a dance class or taking a brisk walk with a friend around the neighborhood for 20 minutes three times a week. Once you find ways to fit exercise in your life a routine will develop.
Digestion - Getting your gut health in order is important and helps decrease inflammation within the body. One way to help protect the “good” bacteria in our bodies is to use probiotics which can fortify our natural gut flora. When there is imbalance within our gut, it has been shown to contribute to heart disease, aller- gies and asthma, skin disorders, obesity, irritable bowel syn- drome, digestive problems and much more. Using daily probi- otics help prevent inflammation and minimize the effects of dis- ease on the body.
Prevention - Preventive health is the best way to help us stay healthy, and help women take control of their own health. Every year there are screening tests that help prevent diseases such as cancers, diabetes and help enhance wellness. Using preventive services like mammo- grams, smoking cessation serv- ices and annual well-woman visits are helpful in taking strides in improving your health.
The ultimate goal in improv- ing your health is becoming a lit- tle selfish to focus on taking time for yourself to get the whole body in tune and centered.
Avoid These Common Tooth Brushing Mistakes
Baby, parenting and birthing products brand Munchkin, is voluntarily recall- ing about 180,000 pacifiers due to concerns that the prod- uct could pose a choking haz- ard.
According to the U.S. Con- sumer Product Safety Commis- sion, the clip cover on Munchkin’s LatchTM light- weight pacifiers and clips can detach from the pacifier. The company says it has received 10 reports of the small parts com- ing detached so far.
The pacifier and clip sets were sold between April 2014
and March 2016.
were sold
at Babies R
Us, Target
Walmart, Amazon and other stores. The recall includes model numbers MKFE0391, MKFE0392 and MKFE0393.
Customers are advised to stop using the pacifiers and contact the company for a re- fund or replacement. More in- formation is available on the company’s website, or call 877- 242-3134.
One would
think that
knowing how to
properly care
for the teeth is
knowledge, but
the average
person makes
tooth brushing
blunders daily. Here are some of the most common tooth brushing mistakes and how to correct them for a better oral hygiene routine.
Using The Wrong Toothbrush
When purchasing a toothbrush, size matters! A brush that is too big in size or made of the wrong types of bristles can cause damage to the teeth if too hard or be inef- fective in removing plaque if too soft. A toothbrush should feel as comfortable in your hand as hold- ing a fork when you eat. The han- dle should be comfortable and the head should be wide enough to fit into your mouth comfortably. If your mouth is opening wide and straining to get the brush in, then that is a sign that the toothbrush is too big. The hardness of the bristles matter as well when pick- ing a toothbrush. The bristles should be hard enough to remove plaque but soft enough not to harm the teeth.
Brushing Too Hard
Brushing too hard can expose the root of the tooth to irritation,
and in turn, irritate the gums. Brushing vigorously with too much force can erode tooth enamel. Brushing gently for two to three minutes is ideal.
Not Brushing Correctly
The average person makes the mistake of brushing in a horizon- tal line across the teeth, but the correct way to brush is vertically or softly in circular stokes. Long, horizontal brushes along the gum line lead to abrasions.
Using the right sized brush with the correct bristles and per- forming the correct brush stroke two to three times a day for two minutes will help keep your teeth fresh and clean throughout the day! Make these slight changes and see how your oral hygiene im- proves. Don’t forget to rinse your toothbrush after you brush!
Not Brushing Often Enough Or Long Enough
The average person only brushes once a day in the morning before the start of the day, but dentists recommend brushing at least two to three times daily. Waiting too long between brushes can cause bacterial plaque buildup, which can boost the risk of gum inflammation and other problems. Brushing should last a total of two minutes, breaking up the mouth into four quadrants and using 30 seconds of correct brushing in each to get the teeth clean.
Flaxseed: The Silent Healer
You can’t smell it. You can’t taste it. Depending on which foods you add it to, you can barely see it. Yet, your body reaps the healing and health benefits of it when consumed. This “silent” partner in health is ground flaxseed!
Here are just a few benefits of ground flaxseed:
• Great source of fiber: Fiber contributes to a feeling of full- ness, reduces constipation and may contribute to lowering overall cholesterol.
• Contains lignans: Lignans are a chemical compound found in plants that act as free- radical fighting antioxidants.
• Good source of omega-3:
Omega-3s provide the body with “good” fatty acids. These good fatty acids may contribute to reducing heart disease, stroke and joint pain.
Use ground flaxseed instead of whole flaxseed. Whole flaxseed can be more difficult to digest, making it more difficult for the body to receive all of the available nutrients. Ground flaxseed is easier for the body to digest.
Diabetes And The Surprising Power Of Yogurt
Many African Americans avoid milk and dairy products because they believe they are lactose intol- erant. But if you have prediabetes research shows avoiding dairy can increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In fact, there is an emerging body of evidence that yogurt and other dairy products may help you reduce your risk of heart disease, high blood pres- sure, obesity as well as type 2 dia- betes – diseases that affect African Americans at disproportionate rates.
Moreover, the type of dairy you eat or drink makes a difference, too. Fermented dairy products like yogurt are associated with a greater decrease in diabetes risk when compared to other types of dairy products.
Heart Health And Blood Pressure
African Americans have an in- creased risk of developing high blood pressure. Many fat-free and low-fat yogurts provide more potassium than an equal 8-ounce glass of milk. People who eat yo- gurt have higher potassium in-
takes and are less likely to have in- adequate intakes of calcium and magnesium – minerals that help control blood pressure.
Studies have shown that eating yogurt on a regular basis is associ- ated with a healthy weight. In par- ticular, eating yogurt is associated with less weight gain over time. And while yogurt, fruits, vegeta- bles and whole grains are all asso- ciated with less weight gain over time, yogurt has the best effect.
Type 2 Diabetes
According to the American Di- abetes Association, regular or Greek plain nonfat yogurt with lit- tle or no added sugar, can be a good choice for people with dia- betes . Recent research shows that eating yogurt is associated with healthy levels of circulating glu- cose (blood sugar) within the nor- mal range.
Lactose Intolerance
Yogurt can help lactose intoler- ant individuals meet their dairy requirement and obtain calcium, potassium and vitamin D – nutri- ents that most African Americans don’t get enough of. The live and active cultures in yogurt make it a more easily digestible alternative to milk. Also, on average, yogurt has less lactose (milk sugar) per serving than milk.

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