Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 9-25-15 Edition
P. 8

Woman’s Journey Leads To Creation Of Organization To Save Others
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
We often observe others going through life seemingly accepting the tragedies and vic- tories of life. But, if one were to look behind the public view, we would observe that many are fighting life-altering battles.
Mrs. Dyeronda Gay ap- peared to have her life together. But, everything changed for her on February 7, 2011, when her 69-year-old father, Leroy Gowins, committed suicide. His death devastated his fam- ily. The family later learned that he was suffering from un- diagnosed renal disease.
“I am an only child and my mother is blind. She couldn’t deal with it, so I had to handle everything. I had spoken with him and he wasn’t feeling well. I asked if he wanted me to take him to the hospital.
“He said no, but something told me to change my clothes anyway. He had sent me and
my mother off on a wild goose chase and we found him when we came back,” she said.
At that point, Mrs. Gay’s life went into a tailspin. She went through the motions, but was silently suffering from deep depression. As time passed, she watched her life disintegrate as her father’s death took its toll on her 3 daughters as well.
And, at some point, her de- pression led her to attempt to harm herself. Mrs. Gay Baker Acted. “I don’t want any other woman or girl to have to go through what I went through. I had to fight for my freedom and I’m never going back. I want to help others who are hurting.
“People don’t understand depression, but it has no re- spect for gender, race, age, color, religion, or political sta- tus. As I went on my journey, I realized that I could provide help to others.”
Her journey led her to the formation of Circle of Comple-
MRS. DYERONDA GAY ... Founder of Circle of Completion, Inc.
tion, Inc. The organization meets twice a month to “Talk It Out,” as a group.
“I’m offering a safe haven for women and girls suffering from depression. It’s a place where they can talk about what’s bothering them. We lis- ten, but we don’t judge. They don’t have to worry about what they say being repeated. What is said there stays there. I want them to know they don’t have to make this journey alone. I
sign a confidentiality agree- ment with them.”
Mrs. Gay and one of her daughters co-founded a group for teenagers. That came about after her daughter’s friend, a 14-year-old committed suicide.
“I am a certified life coach, a wife, a mother, a caregiver, a minister, the First Lady of Macedonia M. B. Church in Zephyrhills, (Rev. Adrian Gay) legally blind, and I am a survivor.”
The group meets at the Pavilion Clubhouse, 3330 Manor Cove Circle, in Riverview. Currently, Mrs. Gay hopes to raise funds to keep the meeting location.
Circle of Completion, Inc., is a faith-based organization
because Mrs. Gay believes the mind, body, and soul are all connected. But, she realizes that everyone is not actively in- volved in church. “This is open to anyone who is hurting. I’m telling my story so others won’t suffer needlessly. I want every- one to know help is available and someone cares.
Anyone wishing to make a contribution can contact Mrs. Gay at www.circleofcomple-
Recently, President Barack Obama declared Sep- tember 10, as National Suicide Prevention Day. The month of September is recognized as Na- tional Suicide Prevention Month. (Free and open to the public).

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