Page 18 - Florida Sentinel 11-6-15 Edition
P. 18
Progress Village
November Birthday Celebrants
Birthstone for this month is the Topaz and the flower is the Chrysanthemum.
Happy birthday to all November celebrants, in- cluding: Bridget McNair-Lockhart, Ted Mc- Nair, Sha-Ron Curtis Anthony, Dashan Michael Anthony, Roosevelt “RJ” Moore, Shannon Anthony, Brittany Trenker, Linda Thornton, Jennifer Daniels, Carrie Murphy, Janelle Richardson, Vanessa Martinez, Prince James, Garrett Pruitt, Mihir Kulka- rni, Enuogbope Fadare, Herbert Bassett, Troy Thomas, and Eric Holmes.
Ms. Martha Kennedy celebrated her 91st birth- day on November 3, 2015. We wish you many more.
October Belated Birthdays
Mr. Emanuel P. Johnson celebrated his 94th birthday on October 14. You are also wished many more wonderful years.
Charles Jackson is wished a belated birthday, his special day was October 23.
Sick And Shut-Ins
Let’s continue praying for the sick and shut-ins:
Rhonda Williams, Bob Anthony, Keith Ennis, Wayne Owens, Shatayshia Brinson, Barbara Sprauve, Annie Laura Jelks, Stan- ley and Ernestine Turner, Johnnie Mae Gar- ner, Freida Washington and Lydia McNeal.
Deacon George Harris is in a Jacksonville, FL hospital. Let’s pray for him and his family.
Deepest Condolences
Our deepest condolences are extended to the fol- lowing families of: Mr. Hilton E. Williams, Mr. Jeffrey Williams, Mr. Charles L. Freeman, Jr., Mr. Howard Lock, Mr. Kevin Johnson, Rev. Amos James, Mother Minnie Drew, Mrs. Kathryn Oates, Mr. Willard Green, Prophetess Ruthie B. Jones, Mrs. Frances B. Winters, Mrs. Melody Fisher, and Mr. Ernest Tucker Jr.
Our deepest condolences are extended to Bucca- neer, Kwon Alexander and his family due to the loss of his younger brother.
Remember to look to Jesus for your comfort, guidance and strength.
Progress Village Panthers Corner
We would like to congratulate our boys and girls on a great 2015 season in which they played and competed against surrounding teams from Tampa, Lutz, Oldsmar, Brandon, Lakeland and surround- ing Central Florida.
Panthers Fans, let’s hear it for the Panther Cheer- leaders, who showed up and out in the Cheer Com- petition on October 11th at the Strawberry Showdown Cheer Off in Dover, FL!
Our Panther Girls placed at every level; Flag 4th, Pee Wee 3rd, Super Midgets 1st, Midgets 3rd and Var- sity 2nd. The Panther Cheerleaders also brought it at the Mid-Florida Cheer Off at the State Fair- ground, where they went up against over 38 teams and placed as follows: Flag 4th, Pee Wee 3rd, Super Midgets 2nd, Midgets 4th and Varsity 4th.
Now, if you missed the last game, you really missed a terrific game! Our Varsity and Midget boys played their hearts out on Saturday, October 24th. Pee Wee won their game 18-0, Super Midgets won 31-28, with both teams advancing to the 1st round of the play-offs last Saturday.
P.V. Panthers in the Playoff! The P.V. Panthers Pee Wees won 31 vs. the Bears Pee Wees 6 and P.V. Panthers Super Midgets won 13 vs. the Bears Super Midgets 0. The game was played at the Skyway.
Also, Sunday, November 1, 2015 at the Gulfcoast Cheer Classic our Super Midgets Cheerleaders rep- resented well our organization by placing, 1st Place! Congratulations to our Super Midgets coaches and parents, who made it a successful moment for those Panther Super Midgets Cheerleaders!
The Progress Village Panthers Board of Directors humbly says, “Thank You” to every football coach, cheer coach, team parent and all the volunteers who invested their time and energy making this another successful season. Every deposit into our children is a proud investment in our community. Thank you all!
Upcoming Events
Saturday, November 7th the Panther Cheerlead- ers will compete at TBYFL Cheer Off at Strawberry Crest High School in Dover, FL at 2 p. m.
Panther Tutoring Program on Thursdays TBA. Football 8 on 8 or Spring Ball TBA.
On behalf of Progress Village Panthers, submit-
ted by CC Nicole Logan. Chess For
All Ages
Every 1st and 3rd Saturday from 10 a. m. – 12 p. m. come learn to play chess or sharpen your game at no cost at the Riverview Library with Coach Ted. Also, every 2nd Monday from 5-5:30 p. m.
If you have questions, call 813-431-5215.
Alzheimer Walk
The Walk To End Alzheimer was held Saturday, October 31. It began at Amalie Arena and proceeded down the streets of Bayshore and back. There was a great turn out of supporters. I was a part of Team Lula’s Group.
The Walk was a fundraiser to end Alzheimer. There should be pictures of participants in the walk on the Alzheimer’s website. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone coming out to support this wor- thy cause next year!
Women Building Futures, And Building Up Their Lives
Women learning trades - In these sessions, women will build a storage shed with plumbing and electrical using construction drawings. Participat- ing women will receive a copy of the plans at the end of the program. The finished shed will be sold with proceeds used to support The Helen Gordon Davis Centre for Women. Come to one session or come to all.
There are fees involved, and for more informa- tion call 813-232-3200, extension 233 or visit the website: The address is 5023 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, 33603. Learn a trade. Make more money!
Progress Village Senior Activity Schedule
Mondays: Social time, Walk in the park, Zumba, Gold Class, Book Club, Sit-N-Be Fit.
Tuesdays: Social time, Walk in the park, Cur- rent Events, and Games.
Wednesdays: Social time, Walk in the park, Zumba, Gold Class, Sit-N-Be Fit, end of month birthday celebration.
Thursdays: Social time, Walk in the park, Line Dancing, Current Events, and Movie Day.
Fridays: Social time, Walk in the park, Monthly Brunch and Center Activities.
Scripture (Romans 14:12)
So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
For Your Information
Remember to pray for President Barack Obama and his family, servicemen and women (active and inactive), public servants, volunteers, incarcerated, homeless, abused and missing.
Call your news for Progress Village and sur- rounding areas into Gloria at 813-270-2257.
News & Activities
Libraries will be closed on Wednes- day, November 11 for Veteran’s Day in honor of our nation’s heroes.
Friday, November 6
Brandon Library: 10 a. m. – 2 p. m. -
way Safety & Motor Vehicle: FL Licensing on Wheels.
Saturday, November 7
Seffner-Mango Library: 10 a. m. – 1 p. m. - Seffner Stitching Society.
New Tampa Library: 10:30-11:30 a. m. - Teen Tech: Microsoft Publisher.
John F. Germany Library: 11 a. m. – 12:30 p. m. - Genealogy Show and Tell; 2-5:30 p. m. - Sewing at the HIVE - Aprons for the holidays (need: 2 yards of heavy and 1 pack of 1/2” wide double fold bias tape); and 2:30-4:30 p. m. - Computer Tutoring.
Temple Terrace Library: 11 a. m. – 12 p. m. - Tech Blvd.; and 2-4 p. m. - 1st Time Home Buyer Workshop.
Monday, November 9
Town N’ Country Library: 10-11 a. m. - Dia- betes Prevention Program (1 hour a week for16 weeks); and 2-3 p. m. - Tech Blvd.
North Tampa Library: 11:30 a. m. – 12:30 p. m. - Tech Blvd.; and 6:30 – 7:30 p. m. - Learn Sign Language.
Robert W. Saunders Library: 5:30-7:30 p. m. - The Saunders Library Needle Crafters.
New Tampa Library: 6-9 p. m. - Movie Night at the Library: Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Tuesday, November 10
Temple Terrace Library: 12:15-1 p. m. -
Zumba Dancing.
78th Street Community Library: 1-3 p. m. -
Financing Your Business.
New Tampa Library: 3-4 p. m. - Android OS. C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. Library: 3:30-4:30
p. m. - Kids Code (grades 4-8 learn to write code, create games, build websites, program robots).
Thursday, November 12
Brandon Library: 10:30 – 11:30 a. m. - Her- itage Quest, and 7-8 p. m. - Basic Sign Language.
West Tampa Library: 11 a. m. – 12 p. m. - Job Counseling.
New Tampa Library: 3-4 p. m. - Android OS. Friday, November 13
New Tampa Library: 10:30-11:30 a. m. - Hills- borough County Benchmark Series: What’s Not In The Bill Of Rights?
John F. Germany Library: 3-5 p. m. - Movie at the Library: Furious 7.