Page 21 - Florida Sentinel 1-22-16 Edition
P. 21

3 Herbs To Naturally Detox Your Uterus
A Healthy Bladder
Many herbs can be used to stimulate and cleanse your uterus, improve its tone and ease menstrual or menopausal symptoms.
Ginger reduces inflamma- tion while increasing oxygen and blood flow to your uterus Ginger is actually a good whole-body detoxifier because it supports liver function, boosts circulation and pro- motes healthy sweating. It is safe to take during pregnancy and is in fact a proven remedy for nausea in pregnant women according to the National Cen- ter for Complimentary and Al- ternative Medicine.
Marigold is a good cleans- ing herb that can be used to support uterine health. The fact that it has cleansing qual- ities but does not irritate mu- cous membranes makes it especially useful for a hard- ened uterus. Drinking marigold tea, or combining
marigold and chamomile in tea, can help regulate men- strual bleeding and ease cramps. It should be used for a week prior to menstruation for this purpose. Avoid marigold if you are pregnant. Motherwort
Motherwort, which may help your uterus contract after giving birth, is used in tradi- tional Chinese medicine to treat menopausal and men- strual symptoms. The utero- tonic, or uterus stimulating, component in motherwort is called leonurine, which is present in the herb’s leaves ac- cording to of a study published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine.
Other studies published in Anticancer Research indicate that motherwort may have an effect against mammary can- cer as well.
It may not be an herb, but red
raspberries have long been used as a uterine tonic to reg- ulate and tone uterine muscles according to “The Complete Herbal Guide,” by Stacey and Michael Chillemi. It can help return your uterus to its normal tone and reduce swelling and bleeding after giving birth. Its ferulic acid content may ease menstrual flow by stimulating the mus- cles that support the uterus while also reducing excessive menstrual bleeding.
Raspberry is rich in nutri- ents that support the repro- ductive system as well as other body systems. These include flavonoids, tannins, beta- carotenes, alpha-carotenes, al- kaloids, calcium, leutin, iron, manganese, phosphorus, mag- nesium, selenium, potassium, zinc, B vitamins and vitamins E and C, says Chillemis.
Be mindful that some herbs that boost uterine health should not be taken when you are pregnant.
Here are a few behavioral changes that can help you maintain a healthy bladder:
• Sit all the way down on the toilet because hovering over it strains muscles and blocks the flow of urine, possibly result- ing in infections and pain.
• Always wipe from front to back so fecal matter doesn’t enter the urethra.
• Limit caffeinated drinks especially soda, which irritate the bladder and urethra.
Help slow down the aging process by keeping your skin, hair and nails beautiful, natu- rally.
Fight fine lines with Glucosamine. A daily 1,500 mg. dose can reduce fines lines in 5 weeks.
Get glowing with Vita- min C. A daily 100 mg. dose daily can protects skin from free radicals and helps cells re- generate so your skin becomes luminescent, and also defends against clogged pores.
Smooth skin with Pine Bark Extract! Taking a 75 mg. antioxidant-rich pine bark extract supplement helps cre- ate smoother, dewier skin and ewer wrinkles.
• Don’t go to the bathroom ‘just in case’! Resist the urge to urinate ‘just because’ you’re abouttogetinthecar,gotoa meeting or exercise. Yes, your bladder needs to be com- pletely voided, however, it also needs to fill all the way before emptying. Training your blad- der and your brain will help keep your bladder muscles in shape and trains your brain to only send signals when your bladder is full.
Stop sagging with Astaxanthin. Taking 4 mg. of this algae-derived antioxi- dant for 6 weeks can firm up skin and help erase crow’s feet.
Also, drink plenty of water for more youth-boosting ben- efits because... Water knocks out dryness, stops middle- aged spreading, and improves concentration.
Anti-Aging Supplements

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