Page 3 - 3-13-15 Friday's Edition
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Features Former City Councilwoman To Receive
A Simple Act Of Kindness:
Prestigious Award
‘Employee Of The Year’ Receives Trip To London
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
On Wednesday, March 18th, members of the commu- nity will join the City of Tampa in celebrating Women’s History Month. The celebration will take place at 10:30 a.m., in the Tampa City Council Chambers.
This marks the 19th An- nual celebration honoring the accomplishments of women in the City of Tampa. The theme this year is “Weaving the Stories of Women’s Lives.”
Each year, a woman is chosen as the recipient of the prestigious Josephine Howard Stafford Award. Mayor Bob Buckhorn will present the award to Mrs. Gwendolyn Miller, who re- tired from City Council in 2011.
Mrs. Miller was the first African American woman elected to serve on City Coun- cil. Chosen by voters in 1995, Mrs. Miller served the resi- dent of District 5 for 8 years. She was also the first African American to be elected as an At-Large Councilwoman and served in that capacity for an additional 8 years.
Mrs. Miller said, “This is a big honor for me. I didn’t think I would ever be chosen for this award. I worked with Ms. Josephine Howard Stafford and it’s an honor to get an award named in her honor.”
Attorney Josephine Howard Stafford served as the Assistant City Attorney for 24 years.
During her tenure on the City Council, Mrs. Miller became the first Council- woman to be elected for an At-Large Seat and the first to become the City Council
... Recipient of prestigious Josephine Howard Stafford Award
Chairperson in 2004.
A Tampa native, Mrs.
Miller graduated from Mid- dleton High School in 1952. She continued her education at Florida A & M University, where she earned her Bache- lor of Science Degree and Master of Education Degree.
Mrs. Miller returned to Tampa and launched her ca- reer as an educator. After serving as a classroom teacher and then Human Re- lations Specialist, Mrs. Miller retired in 1994.
She launched her political career becoming the second African American (Perry Harvey, Jr., was the first), to serve on the City Council.
Mrs. Shirley Foxx- Knowles will serve as the Mistress of Ceremonies and Dr. Phyllis Tucker-Wicks will deliver the keynote ad- dress. Susan Dellinger and Simone Gans Barfield will provide the entertainment.
As part of the celebration,
Colonel Daniel H. Tulley,
Wing Commander, MacDill Air Force Base, will present the 2015 MacDill Air Force Base Women’s Ap- preciation Award to an outstanding female member of the military.
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Oftentimes, we go above and beyond at our places of employment. We sometimes do things that are not re- quired or expected and think no more about it.
And that is exactly what happened to Ms. Sherilyn Joseph, an employee at the Tampa International Airport. She was working at World Duty Free Group’s Gift Store last January.
During her shift, she en- countered Ms. Lynette Kozelenko, a traveler en route to New York. Ms. Kozelenko had lost her jacket and gloves and was about to board the flight to New York City. Because of the time of year it was, Ms. Kozelenko was ill prepared for the frigid weather without her coat and gloves.
Ms. Joseph proceeded to help look for the missing items, but the search was to no avail. When the items could not be located in
Ms. Sherilyn Joseph is shown with Padraig Dren- nan, President of World Duty Free Group at the presenta- tion of the “North American Associate of the Year” Award Ceremony.
a timely manner, Ms. Joseph let Ms. Kozelenko borrow her jacket even though she realized it might not be returned.
“I just felt that I should do something to help her. I wanted her to be warm and have a blessed trip,” Ms. Joseph said.
It was an unexpected act. “I was so touched. Her ran- dom act of kindness, her voice of comfort and her quick re-
sponse with such a selfless act speaks volumes,” she said.
On March 6th, Padraig Drennan, President of World Duty Free Group vis- ited the airport to attend a special ceremony. During that ceremony, Ms. Joseph was named the company’s first “North American Associ- ate of the Year” for 2014. Although the program is es- tablished in other areas, this was the first time a member of the North American team has received the recognition.
The award includes a free trip to London, with air fare and accommodations, along with $1,000 in spending money.
Ms. Joseph had already been recognized by Tampa Airport officials for Outstand- ing Custody Service. “I enjoy helping others and providing comfort to those in need. These are values I share with World Duty Free Group and one of the reasons I love working here at the Tampa International Airport,” she said.

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