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2207 21st Avenue, Tampa Florida 33605 • (813) 248-1921 Published Every Tuesday and Friday By
FLORIDA SENTINEL BULLETIN PUBLISHING Co., Member of National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA)
   A Serial Shocker
   or the first time in al-
most two months I think it's safe to say that the resi- dents of Seminole Heights will finally be able to rest a little easier. This is largely due to the apprehension of the indi- vidual who police believe is responsible for the series of murders that occurred inside of their community.
Now that he is in custody, I imagine the first question au- thorities will ask him is why? What prompted him to begin such a gruesome killing spree?
According to Mayor Bob Buckhorn, the 24-year-old killer, Howell Donaldson, III, doesn't fit the monstrous profile of a person who would normally be engaged in some- thing typically associated with sociopathic loners. As a col- lege graduate and former bas- ketball player, Donaldson falls squarely inside of the cat- egory of people who would seem incapable of partaking in such horrific behavior.
Yet, despite the unlikeli- hood of someone like Don- aldson being involved in this type of crime, it's hard to dis- count him as a lead suspect when the gun he purchased,
just two days before the killings began, has been deter- mined to be the murder weapon. If he didn't do it, there's a great chance that, at the very least, he played a sig- nificant role.
I have to admit that I also never expected to see a person fitting Donaldson's descrip- tion in handcuffs once the de- tectives caught their man. The image I had in my mind skewed more towards the likes of Charles Manson or Jeffery Dahmer. Not a kid who would probably be a huge fan of the rapper, Future, and who wouldn't look out of place playing in a flag football league at Riverfront Park.
Somewhere, I'm sure Don- aldson's mother and father are beside themselves trying to make sense of it all. I mean, no one can fathom their child being involved in something this sinister. Especially after he or she had achieved the level of education that Don- aldson accomplished.
Being that he was still in his early twenties they may not have been too surprised to hear of their son catching a weed possession charge. But multiple murders? The idea of
the child you've raised from infancy growing up to become a homicidal maniac is enough to send any parent into car- diac arrest.
For the families of the vic- tims this new development has to be bittersweet. On one hand they may be relieved that the person responsible for ending the lives of their loved ones is off the streets. But, on the other, knowing that whatever punishment he receives won't bring their family members back proba- bly does little to ease the pain.
Even though much of the evidence against Donaldson is circumstantial at this point and a trial has to take place before this case will officially be closed, I don't think it's a stretch to say that this is, very likely, where the road stops for the Tampa Sniper.
The path he chose will, no doubt, ultimately lead him to a cell on death row where he'll wait for his appointment with a lethal injection needle.
You could say that it would be a tragic ending for a young man who appeared to have a lot of promise. But, judging by his actions, it's the one he wanted and the one he most definitely deserves.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Com- pany. You can write to Mr. Barr at: Clarence Barr 43110-018, Oakdale F. C. I., P. O. BOX 5000, Oakdale, LA 71463.
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51 Days
 fter 5,000 tips, which included the possibility
that the Seminole Heights murderer was not a man because he or she seemed to run like a woman . . . after missed Thanksgiving dinners by men and women of the FBI, ATF, FDLE, and the heroic mem- bers of the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office and the Tampa Police Department, sources have finally felt comfortable to say that the individual who brought grief to four families and panic to an entire city has himself been brought to the beginning of justice.
To the men and women of Law Enforcement who tirelessly protect us and did so by refusing to admit no clue at all in the early days of the 51 days of dead ends and goose-chases, we stand in a line that includes the Mayor of Tampa, Administrator of Hillsborough County, and the Governor of Florida, each of them who served as drum majors for the daunting task that only a Sherlock Holmes could complete.
But the greatest hurrah goes to a here-as-yet un- named hero who found it not robbery to step forward and finger the felon who committed these dastardly acts.
Finally, a food-bag, a gun, and the contents of a red Mustang would bring down Tampa’s rendition of London’s Jack the Ripper. And what it would mean is restaurants and places of business located in Semi- nole Heights could at least for now, breathe a sigh of relief until the next monster comes along, and the mothers, fathers, and children of this beleaguered community could approach the night not as a nemesis, but as an all-embracing friend.
However, the question that remains for young Howell Donaldson, III, Ybor City McDonald’s em- ployee and suspected felon, to answer is the question whose response might cause an even greater alarm in our community: the question of “WHY?”
   Faith Or Finances
   Empowered Greetings.
Faith or Finances is a topic that Christian Entrepre- neurs often wrestle with. They believe that they have to choose between their faith and their finances; between doing ministry and making money with their God given gifts.
There is a belief that you can’t serve God and makes massive amounts of money without making money your God. I contend that these two concepts of faith and finances should work in harmony with each other. However, it is im- perative that you understand and have clarity of the Biblical principles that govern the two.
If the truth be told, because you are a believer and serve God, you should make massive amounts of money. Why do I say this? It is because accord- ing to Genesis 1:28 God has blessed you to be fruitful and to multiply. Both of these terms signify increase.
Proverbs 10:22, says, it is the blessing of the Lord that makes you rich. When you are rich that denotes that you have an abundance of a particular source. Jesus came on the scene to give you abundance in every area of your life. This in- cludes abundance physically, spiritually and abundance fi- nancially. See II John 2 as a point of reference.
The same level of faith that you have for your salvation should be the same degree of faith in operation for you to re- ceive a revelation about your financial situation. It is your right as a believer to have a fi- nancially sustainable business that is or is not Christian based in services and products. It is the will of God to bless you and your business endeavors.
God will not only give you the desires of your heart as they are in alignment with His will, but God will also give you the power to get wealth ac-
cording to Deuteronomy 8:18. If Christian Entrepre- neurs would govern them- selves by taking time daily to meditate on the word of God and follow the instructions given therein Joshua 1:8 as- sures us that they would be prosperous and successful.
As a Life and Business Suc- cess Coach to Christian Women Entrepreneurs, I wanted to write today’s col- umn to cancel the assignment of the enemy that keep so many bound to belief that hav- ing an abundance of money is evil and not a part of God’s plan for their life. People are staying stuck in a financial rut because of what they don’t know. Now that you know, it’s time to do better and serve God with your faith and your finances.
For more insight on build- ing a financially sound busi- ness or lifestyle, connect with Selphenia on her social media platforms. Let her know you read this column; there might be a surprise for you if you do. Invite Selphenia to speak or facilitate at your next event. Call (813) 603-0088; Facebook: Selphenia Nichols Success Coach To Women; In- stagram: @Selphenia; or Twit- ter: @queenofsuccess1.

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