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Break Through For A Breakthrough
“All personal break- throughs begin with a change in beliefs.”
–Anthony Robbins
mpowered Greet-
ings. Are you living the life you envisioned for your- self --- a successful and ful- filled life --- a life without limits. Or, do you feel like your life is stuck in quick- sand and you’re sinking fast? If the latter is the case, then today is your day for a break- through.
I want you to tap into your frustrations and let it cause you to break through. Break through the despair in your life to a future of hope. Put your foot on the brakes of everything that has held you back. Use your inner drive to break through the limitations you’ve allowed
other people to put on your life.
Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
You are a person of sig- nificance, a person of power and you have been designed with a divine purpose for your life. So, break through the limitations of your mind or your “stinking thinking” as Joyce Meyer would say.
Expand your knowledge base and you’ll expand your way of living. Break through and take positive actions to- ward achieving what you want in life. Break through your fear of failure because your success is waiting on the other side.
Lastly, break through to the courage and commit-
ment to success you harness on to the inside of you, in order to see a breakthrough in you that will transform your life.
About Selphenia Selphenia Nichols Simmons is hailed as “The Queen of Success.” As a Life and Business Success Coach, she inspires Christian women and entrepreneurs to go from being a mess to
making massive profits. Selphenia’s no-non- sense business strategies take individuals and organi- zations from scratch, or any- where in between, to Success. Selphenia is avail- able to speak at churches, schools, universities, busi- ness organizations, retreats
and conferences.
To request Selphenia to
speak or train at your up- coming event, call (813) 603- 0088.
Get connected. Join Selphenia on Social Media for some daily motivation. Facebook: Selphenia Nichols Success Coach To Women; Instagram: Selphenia; and Twitter: queenodsuccess1.
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C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
To The Ones Who Pay The Price
But, when it comes to freedom, security, and the l“egacy of Democracy, money ain’t all it takes to be suc- cessful.
History has proven, time and again, whether we like it or not, that the things we most treasure – a peaceful night’s sleep, an unmolested walk in the park, a table of good food, and a mind of free will – all of these things depend upon the commitment of fellow Ameri- cans, too often, at the cost of their lives.
So, this Editorial is our homage – in memorial – to the men and women who stand ready to pay the ulti- mate price to guarantee this land of Liberty.
Shall we name them? Then we name them: Fire- fighters, police officers, paramedics, doctors, nurses, public servants who keep roads clear and systems op- erable, members of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines and all of the military agencies which are part of that list.
And let’s add one more name: Public Transporta- tion/ Bus Operators, men and women who risk their lives so that strangers can get to work on a daily basis.
On this Memorial Day, we sing a song of praise to all of the above individuals, and ask God above to walk, ride, and fly with each of them to do their jobs and bring them home safely at the end of the day. Amennnn.
alk is cheap. But it takes money to buy land....”
Importance Of Reading Aloud With Children Of All Ages
One of the most impor- tant activities parents should do is read aloud, read often, and engage in meaningful conversations with their chil- dren, because reading stimu- lates language development, even before a child can talk. Research has shown that, the more words parents use when speaking to an infant, the greater their child’s vo- cabulary will be at 3 years old.
Read often, for as long as your children can pay atten- tion. As they grow, their at- tention spans will grow as well, and you will need to read longer books.
Reading aloud not only will show young children the sound of words, but it will also stimulate language and cognitive skills, that later on will transform in reading success for those children, and will build their motiva- tion, curiosity, memory and prediction skills.
Reading aloud will also nurture the one-on-one at- tention from parents to chil- dren, which will form positive association with books, will create fun memo- ries of being read to and being surrounded by a loving parent, while snuggling up to enjoy a story, and will help children cope during times of stress or tragedy.
Now, to make reading ac- tivities effective, we have to make whatever book we are reading come alive, to keep our children interested. To do that, we have to use facial expressions and even change the sound of our voice or our accent.
It is equally important to pause sometimes to create drama and suspense, giving our children the opportunity to use their imagination to create images about the story on their minds. Also, to help older children make predic- tions about the story, parents should stop sometimes to ask open ended questions, such
as: “What might happen next?” or “Why did they do that?”
I will also suggest, to en- courage older children to read to their younger sib- lings, explaining to them how wonderful it is to read. This activity not only will help them practice their reading skills, but it will also build their self-esteem, making them feel important and helpful.
Remember that the expe- riences a child has during the first few years of his or her life will affect positively or negatively on his or her brain’s development; there- fore, a nurturing and loving parent that gives quality time to his or her child, will sup- port the development of a healthy brain.
The foundation for suc- cess later at school and in life, and one of the best and most positive ways of engag- ing with children, is looking at books together and read- ing aloud.