Page 3 - Florida Sentinel 6-15-18
P. 3

 Physician Earns Fellowship To University Of South Florida
    BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
After completing exten- sive training in the medical field, a young Tampa woman is returning home. Dr. JaMia Washington earned a 2018 Fellowship in Cardiovascular Disease from the University of South Florida. She also earned a Case Western Reserve Uni- versity Research Day Award and is also a member of the Case Western Reserve Uni- versity Internal Medicine Club.
Dr. Washington will begin her Fellowship in July. She will be assigned to Tampa General Hospital. Her future goal is to become a Transplant Cardiologist.
Dr. Washington at- tended the public schools of Hillsborough County. She graduated from the Tradi-
Dr. JaMia Washington, right, is shown with Dr. Timica Campbell, Chief Resident, Out- patient Clinic.
tional Program at Hillsbor- ough High School as its Vale- dictorian, in 2003.
Among those on hand to congratulate Dr. JaMia Washington are from left, her father, Henry “Shake” Washington, grand- mother, Mrs. Hattie Byrd White, and her mother, Mrs. Cheryl Byrd Washington.
Degree at Florida Interna- tional University. In 2015, Dr. Washington gradu- ated from Meharry Medical College.
The next step in her ca- reer to become a medical physician took her to Cleve- land Medical Center and Veterans Affairs Medical Center. There, she com- pleted her Internal Medicine Residency at Case Western Reserve University, Univer- sity Hospitals, in Cleveland, OH.
Dr. Washington is the daughter of retired educa- tors, Henry “Shake” and Mrs. Cheryl Washington. She is the sister of Henry “Tuboy” Washington, Jr., and granddaughter of Mrs. Hattie Byrd White.
She is a member of Allen Temple A. M. E. Church, and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Dr. Washington began her journey to become a physician at the University of
Miami, where she earned her B. S. Degree. In 2010, she was presented her Master’s

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