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In Jung’s circular models of the the the the psyche the the the the the ego is is the the the the the centre point and the the the the the Self is is the the the the the circle For Jung we thus have two centres In Campbell’s model the the ego is is not our our centre centre centre It is is experientially the centre centre of of our our awareness but in in The Power of of of Myth Campbell explains that that from the the the point of of view that that that the the the ego eclipses the the the transcendent it is “that aspect of our our consciousness that that we identify as as our our centre centre But it’s very off-centre We think this is is is is what is is is is running the show but it isn’t ” The ego’s perspective is is is likewise off and in in the model it’s a a a a rectangle to suggest “that its mode mode of judgement is not in accord with with the body but with with nature ” SPIRITUALITY
The Steep Tech logo came out of of the the writings of of Josepth Campbell The circle represents represents the the the the body the the the the the line represents represents represents the the the the the soul and the the the the the square represents represents the the the the the ego ego ‘You should should take the the the ego ego out it shouldn’t be too much a a a a part of who you are’ -Scot Schmidt
The basic structure of of Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Cambells full model of of Campbells psyche psyche representation the psyche psyche 

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