Page 6 - Jewish Funeral Home Template
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 6 Funeral Home
Why Choose an Exclusively Jewish Funeral Home?
We stand confident that our exclusivity is true and honest considering 99% of our funeral services conducted each year are those adhering to Jewish tradition. The greatest compliment is a personal referral. So, when a family is referred to us by someone in the Jewish community, it is impossible to tell that family we cannot serve them based on their religious beliefs. In fact, some may even go far as to say that would be discriminatory. We simply are honest with the family that our expertise is in Jewish tradition but have an acclaimed staff experienced and versed in other traditions that can meet their needs.
We consider ourselves exclusively Jewish because of our predominant focus, greater number of Jewish services and a facility that is adorned Jewish art, artifacts, the Tahara and Shomer facilities and mezzuot. When you walk into our Jewish observance funeral home, there is no question it is a place of Jewish Trust the experts. At the same time, we have served those families of non-Jewish observance and of course those with mixed religious observances, and have been told our facility has elegance and comfort and the Jewish feel is understated and appropriate.
Our staff members are known throughout the community for their kindness, caring and empathy. Every day, hundreds of times a year, our staff is called on by families who need us and we are always there, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Our entire staff works hard to not only meet our families’ needs but to anticipate them. From the coordination of services to maintaining our building and vehicles, our staff is always striving to be the best they can be and we are proud of them.

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