Page 19 - Black Box Leadership
P. 19

It It is is also important to ask ‘how’ do leaders leaders lead? It It is is the 'M O' (mo- dus operandi) of leadership Traditionally focused on on on the the relationship between the the the leader and the the follower a a a a a a a a a more empirical approach in in looking at how leaders fulfil their role is is is is helpful This is is is is viewed as a a a a a shared and distributed process How you you lead lead will effect how how people ‘see ‘see you’ as as a a a a a a a leader leader how how how you you as as a a a a a a a a leader leader leader ‘see ‘see others’ and how leaders intervene or deal with com- peting values At its heart is the need for a a problem-fo-
cused approach in devel- oping collective leadership to to turn a a a shared vision into improvement Intelligent leadership is the key to that process and could be be de- scribed as the ‘managerial element’ of collective leadership (discussed further below) The term “intel- ligence” was rooted in in in in two Latin words: inter and legere which mean “between” and and “to see to to to gather and and to to to choose” (Powell 1988) Intelligence is is a a a cognitive product The term term cognition is is de- rived from the Latin term term cogno- scere “to know” In modern usage it can be be described as the mental faculty or process of of acquiring knowledge by the use of of reasoning intuition and perception The booklet defines intelligent leadership as A form of social capitable based on on intelligent relationships in in in working towards common goals Leadership practice is outcome-fo- cused Shared publicly valued outcomes are are the high-level suc- cess factors of of collective leadership leadership as a a a a a a a form of of intelligent leadership leadership This can only be achieved if the collective vision reflects stakehold- er er needs and that the mechanisms of leadership link this contextual aspirations to real impact through definable and measurable publicly valued outcomes This completes the virtuous circle of intelligent leadership Knowledge & Skills

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