Page 38 - FC Annual Report 2019-20
P. 38
Special Mission Offerings
First Churches Special Offerings Detail July 2018 - June 2019
Special Missions Offerings
ABC International Ministries
Survival Center
Haiti Scholarship Fund Dakin Humane Society
Amount $300.00
$4,417.47 $306.38
Inward Ministries
During the year, we had three weekly spiritual growth groups for prayer and study. Laura Dalton lead a weekly book group, Kathryn Argetsinger lead a Centering Prayer group, and Pastor Todd lead a weekly Bible Study focused on the weekly lectionary readings. As the church closed in-person worship in March, all these groups moved to Zoom, and Centering Prayer moved to a daily meeting. In addition, we began hosting Vespers at 5 PM on Monday through Thursday, to give people a chance for daily contact for prayer and reflection. A bi- weekly young adult group has also been meeting for several months. All these ministries have helped keep the congregation spiritually strong through COVID.
In addition, the Care and Visitation team has maintained monthly visits to people who are either homebound or limited movement because of COVID. They have added calls and cards and letters to keep in touch with people. One of the best things about our church community is that people step forward when there is a need. When we know someone is ill or has surgery, people have organized meals and support. Good communication is essential so we know who needs support. Thanks to everyone for making First Churches a caring community.
Rev. Todd Weir