Page 29 - The Sacred and Divine Liturgy
P. 29

 Deacon: Priest:
Let us be attentive. Peace be to all!
And to your spirit! Wisdom.
The Epistle Reading
The Reader reads the Prokeimenon
verses from the Psalms.
The reading is from (the name of the book of the Apostolic reading is taken).
Let us be attentive. The Reader reads the designated
Priest: Peace be to you! Reader: And with your spirit!
Then begins the Alleluia with verses from the Psalms.
People: Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.
While this is chanted, the Deacon censes the Holy Table, the Altar and the Priest, and from the solea, the iconostasis, and the people.
Deacon: Reader:

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