Page 67 - The Sacred and Divine Liturgy
P. 67
URTHERMORE we offer to You this reasonable and
bloodless worship, and we beseech and pray and entreat You: send down Your Holy Spirit upon us and upon the gifts here presented.
Deacon: Bless, Master, the holy bread.
The priest blesses the holy bread.
Priest: And make this bread the precious Body of Your Christ.
Deacon: Amen. Bless, Master, the holy cup. The priest blesses the holy cup.
And that which is in this cup the precious Blood of Your Christ.
Deacon: Amen. Bless both, Master. The priest blesses them both.
Priest: Changing them by Your Holy Spirit.
Deacon: Amen. Amen. Amen.
HAT they may be for
those who partake of them for sobriety of soul, re mission of sins, communion
of Your Holy Spirit, fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven, boldness before You, not for