Page 22 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 22

Theology and Science Series
Theology and Science Series
Faith, Science, Mystery
by Gayle E. Woloschak
The first section of this volume contains essays addressing the interface between science and religion, what a dialogue be- tween them might look like, and how they are held together by the author, in her own personal testimony regarding her life as an Orthodox Christian and a scientist, her ex- perience in and of the Church, and her plea to allow truth to be heard through a diversity of voices in dialogue together. The second section tackles bioethical is- sues, concerning both beginning of life and end of life matters, as they currently stand and also the question of whether technological advances should be restrict- ed or halted. The third section deals with questions concerning creation and evolu- tion, bringing in also issues of scriptural exegesis and theological curricular. Final- ly, the fourth section addresses the ques- tion of what is to be human, the role of genetics and the potential challenges which may face us in the years ahead.
258 pages, softbound, published in 2018 price $25
Beyond These Horizons
Quantum Theory and Christian Faith
by John Breck
Written in the form of a simple novel, [this book] begins by offering an overview, in lay terms, of quantum theory as it has de- veloped since the early twentieth century. Gradually it lays the groundwork for an exploration of the relationship between quantum mechanics and certain key as- pects of traditional Christian teaching. Its aim is to make clear that our usual concep- tion of God and the world is simply inad- equate. With the help of insights drawn from quantum theory, we can now see that Creation is more intricate, more intercon- nected and more beautiful than our fore- bears could ever have imagined.
154 pages, softbound, published in 2019 price $20

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