Page 69 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 69

Fiction Series
Fiction Series
The Luminosity of Love
by Predrag Cicovacki
Antoine De Saint Exupery
The Last Knight of the Heavens by George Papageorgiou
The Little Prince beckons us to take a fairy tale trip, into the worlds of love, of ro- mance, of sacrifice and dependability. Still, he would not be as meaningful apart from his author with whom he forms a twin, his real alter ego. In order to “unlock” the Lit- tle Prince and understand him deeply, we must first come to know his father and cre- ator, Antoine de Saint Exupery, a charis- matic-and at the same time tragic human being.
Through the fiction-like life and work of Saint Exupery we will travel to France at the dawn of the 20th century, experience the birth and heroic epoch of aviation, two destructive world wars, revolutions and discoveries that radically changed the world, and finally, his supreme dedication to duty and sacrifice for the country and his civilization’s ideals. Ideals and sense of duty that permeate the entire opus of Saint Exupery and The Little Prince.
140 pages, softbound, published in 2020 price $20
We long for love and to be loved. We also fear love because we risk betrayal by those we love, or we betray them. Predrag Cico- vacki’s thought-provoking book, The Lu- minosity of Love, uses an extraordinary love story of the great unconventional Ser- bian poet, Laza Kostic, and the aristocratic young woman, Lenka Dundjerski, as a starting point for a wide-ranging discus- sion of the nature of love, its importance in the Western cultural tradition, and its rel- evance for living a meaningful life in our high-tech materialistic world of the 21st century. This book is superb philosophical essay about the transformative power of love.
167 pages, softbound, published in 2018 price $20

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