Page 1003 - Kosovo Metohija Heritage
P. 1003

Emperor Stefan Dušan, northwallofthenarthex,Dečani,1346......................249
Coronation of Emperor Dušan, oiloncanvasbyPajajovanović.............................250
Marriage of Emperor Dušan, oiloncanvasbyPajajovanović.............................250
The coronation of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Dušan,
from the Cycle, The Slavonic Epic, No 6, alphonseMucha,1926.................................... 251
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman, The Healing
of the Man Born Blind and Jesus and the Woman
Taken in Adultery, vault of the narthex, thePatriarchateofPeć,1565 ...........................252-253
The Trial of the Apostles Peter and John before
the High priests, vault of the southwest bay, Dečani . . . . . . 254-255
Service of the Hierarchs, narthex, Chapel oftheSaintGeorge,eastwall,Dečani.......................256
The Trial and the Death of Saint George, ChapeloftheSaintGeorge,eastwall,Dečani................256
The Kosovo Maiden, Uroš Predić, 1917, BelgradeCityMuseum....................................258
Serbian Bard, playing songs of Kosovo Battle on gusle (onestringviolin),Pajajovanović,1944.....................263 BoškoJugović,oiloncanvas,Pajajovanović.....................268
Jug Bogdan and Nine Jugović brothers, lithograph,
adam Stefanović, 1871, the National Museum, Belgrade . . . . . . 268
A collection of lessons of Saint Isaac the Syrian,
the Treasury of the Dečani Monastery, 1360–1370 . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Manuscript of the Dioptra, page with head-piece, early
15th century, the Treasury of the Patriarchate of Peć . . . . . . . . . .304
A Miniature in the Paraenesis of Ephrem the Syrian, theTreasuryoftheDečaniMonastery,1337 .................307
Hagiography of Holy King Stefan Dečanski
by Grigorije Camblak, Manuscript No 99,
the Treasury of the Dečani Monastery, 1430–1440 . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Saint Luke the Evangelist, detail: bookstand and writing tools, northwestpendentive,Dečani,ca.1339 ..................... 311
Supper of Princes in Kosovo, lithograph,adamStefanović,1871.......................... 312
Apostles Peter and John Healing the Man Born Lame, detail,northwestbayofthenaos,Dečani.................... 313 SerbiancityandfortressofZvečaninmedievaltimes............314
The Patriarchate of Peć, oil on canvas, Pedja Milosavljević, 1943,MuseumofContemporaryart,Belgrade .............. 315
Vuk Stefanović Karadžić (1787–1864),
reformer of Serbian alphabet and main collector
of epic ballads from Ottoman period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Gazimestan,aquarel,TodorŠvrakić,1913....................... 317 ChristbeforeAnnas,detail,ChurchoftheHolyapostles,
thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1300............................ 318 The Battle of Kosovo, drawing, mixed media,
CoffinwithHolyRelicsofSaintPrinceLazar, VladimirPajević,1991.....................................320
RavanicaMonastery......................................274 TheHolyrelicsofSaintPrinceLazar ............................274 Prince Lazar Cephalophoros, copperplate from
Stemmatography, Hristofor Žefarović, Vienna, 1741 . . . . . . . . . . 274 Finding of the Head of the Prince Lazar,
Insription of Despot Stefan Lazarević
on the Marble Pillar in Kosovo Field, transcriptionfromthe16thcentury.........................276
The Tabernacle, altar, north wall,
Gračanica,1318–1321 .................................280-281
The Last Supper, nave, archbetweenthewestpairofpillars,Dečani.................282
Armored knight of Price Lazar, detail,sculpturebySvetomirarsićBasara,1986.............. 321
Holy Prince Lazar of Serbia, copperplate engraving
by Zaharija Orfelin, 1773, Museum of theSerbianOrthodoxChurch,Belgrade ....................322
Trinity, Resava (Manasija) Monastery, until 1418 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Prince Lazar and his family, lithograph,
Historical Museum of Serbia, Belgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
The Battle of Kosovo, lithograph, adam Stefanović, 1871 . . . . . . . . . 326 Despot Stefan Lazarević, Church of the Holy Trinity,
west wall, Resava (Manasija) Monastery
nearDespotovac,until1418................................329 Princess Milica Hrebeljanović, by Vladislav Titelbah,
Mandilion,Dečani,ca.1339 ...................................284
InscriptionWhoevereatsMyflesh,BreadCommunion, ca.1900,NationalMuseum,Kikinda........................330
Communion of the apostles, detail: Bread Communion,
altar, Church of Saint Demetrius, thePatriarchateofPeć,1322–1324..........................286
Heavenly Liturgy, detail: Christ the Lamb, maindome,Gračanica,1318–1321..........................286
Prophet Aaron, northeast pillar of the naos,
Gračanica,1318–1321 .....................................287
Gračanica,1318–1321 .....................................287
Holy King Stefan Dečanski, thehagiographiciconpaintedbyLongin....................288
Prince Lazar’s Vestment, detail, MuseumoftheSerbianOrthodoxChurch ..................290
EpitaphiosofKingStefanUrošIIMilutin.......................291 Reconciliation between King Milutin and his son
Stefan Dečanski, detail from the hagiographic
iconofStefanDečanskipaintedbyLongin,1557..............293 Nun Jefimija’s Encomium to Prince Lazar, pall for
the face of Prince Lazar (the shroud for the casket
containing Prince Lazar’s relics), embroidery, ca. 1402 . . . . . . . . 294 Service to Holy King Stefan Dečanski, ca. 1500, manuscript
No59,theTreasuryoftheDečaniMonastery.................295 Paraklesis to Saint Stefan Dečanski, ca. 1500, manuscript
No134,theTreasuryoftheDečaniMonastery................295 Bust of Homer of the Epimedes type, Vatican Museum . . . . . . . . . .296 HeroesofIliadbyTischbein...................................298 BrothersGrimminan1855
paintingbyElisabethJerichau-Baumann...................299 Goethe,paintingbyJosephKarlStieler.........................299 Wisdom has built her house (Proverbs 9:1), detail:
writing tools, altar, east wall, Gračanica, 1318−1321 . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Miloš Obilić depicted as a Saint, exonarthex, Hilandar, 1803 . . . . . . 331 MonumenttoKosovoHeroes,Kruševac .......................336 FindingoftheRelicsofSaintLazar,MilićfromMačva,1989......339 The Feast of Herod, detail: Salome with the head
of Saint john the Baptist, vault of the diaconinicon,
Church of the Mother of God Hodegetria, thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1335 ............................344
TheKosovoBattle,PetarLubarda,1953.........................346 Church of the Ascension of Christ (Holy Savior),
Ravanica Monastery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Prince Lazar, detail from the donors’ composition, naos,
west wall, Ravanica, 1385–1387. Photo: Z. jovanović. . . . . . . . . . . 348 Donors’ Composition from Ravanica,
drawingbyB.Živković....................................348 Emperor Uroš V Nemanjić and King Vukašin Mrnjavčević,
narthex, north wall, Church of Saint Nicholas,
Psača,1365–1371..........................................349 King Marko Mrnjavčević, west facade,
ChurchoftheHolyarchangels,Prilep,ca.1372..............349 Church of Stephen the Protomartyr, known as Lazarica,
endowmentofPrinceLazarinKruševac .................... 351 PrinceLazarandPrincessMilica,
narthex,Ljubostinja,ca.1405 ..............................353 Map of Serbia at the Eve of the Battle of Kosovo (1372–1395). . . . . . 355 The Russian Illustrated Chronicle, mid-16th century. . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 Battle of Kosovo, tapestry, 16th century, Chenonceau castle . . . . . . . 362 MotherofJugović,Ljubinkajovanović,1953.....................362 Kosovo ballads in the poetic reception
intheWesternculture,1920...............................365 Prince Lazar Renounces All Worldly Empires,
UrošPredić,1900,NationalMuseum,Kruševac .............367 1001

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