Page 927 - Kosovo Metohija Heritage
P. 927

   IMPLEMENTED 2001–2006
 IMPLEMENTED 2006–2014
                 in 2005, only emergency interventions were undertaken: windows were glazed and metalwork was repaired. Since there is no Serbian population in the town, the church is still endangered; it was stoned, broken into and the roofing material was stolen.
  IMPLE- MENTED 2001–2006
 IMPLEMENTED 2006–2014
       The damages have been repaired. Due to fractures in the wall, it is necessary to consolidate the building statically.
        The church was renovated immediately after destruction due to funds donated by Serbs in the Diaspora.
      The church was repeatedly broken into, plundered and desecrated after the arrival of the UN Mission in Kosovo and Metohija in june 1999. Due to its poor condition, the renovation was begun in 2013.
         Consolidation project Photographs**
 Consolidation of the church
            * Further information: Project Urgent Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage in Metohija: Final Report, Belgrade: MNeMOSYNe, 2003, pp. 370–384; Coordination Center for Kosovo and Metohija
** Further information: Ibid.
CC – Coordination Center for Kosovo and Metohija; MC – MNeMOSYNe Center; iPCMRS – institute for the Protec-
tion of Cultural Monuments of the Republic of Serbia ре; SOC – Serbian Orthodox Church; Coe – Council of europe
The Destruction of Serbia’s Patrimonial Sites in Kosovo

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