Page 993 - Kosovo Metohija Heritage
P. 993

Popović, D., “The Monastery of the Holy Trinity in Rusenice – Periods of Flourishment and Devastation”, Istorijski časopis XLV–XLVi, 1998–1999 (2000) 31–48.
Popović, D. Lj., “a Study of the Standing Figures in the Five Domes of the Virgin Ljeviška in Prizren”, Zbornik radova Vizan- tološkog instituta 41 (2004), 319–338.
Popović, M., Hadžić, S., “The Western Building of Monastery Dečani”,Saopštenja44(2012),79–101.
Starodubcev, T., “Contributions to the Study of Churches and Monasteries Founded or Restored in the District of Branković between 1371 and 1455”, Kosovsko–metohijski zbornik 5 (2013), 39–66.
Stevanović, B., “The Depictions of jesus Christ’s ancestors in theChurchofStGeorgeatRečane”,Kosovsko–metohijskizbornik 5 (2013), 25–38.
Stevanović, B., “Cycle of the patron saint in the church of Saint GeorgeinRečani”,NišandByzantium10(2012),393–404.
Todić, B., “The iconostasis in Dečani – the original painted programandsubsequentchanges”,Zograf36(2012),115–129.
Todić, B., “The Monastery of Ubožac”, Kosovsko–metohijski zbornik 5 (2013), 67–88.
Todić, B., “Serbian Themes in 14th Century Frescoes in the Church of St Demetrios in Peć”, Zograf 30 (2004–2005), 123–140.
 Tomb and sarcophagus of Archbishop Daniel (Danilo) II,
northwest bay, Church of the Mother of God Hodegetria, the Patriarchate of Peć

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