Page 999 - Kosovo Metohija Heritage
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apse,Gračanica,1318–1321 .................................20 GračanicaMonastery,ChurchoftheMotherofGod,
southwestview............................................22 Ascension of Christ, Church of the Holy apostles,
dome,thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1260.......................25 Resurrectional Appearances of Christ,
altarvault,Dečani,ca.1339 .................................26 The Incredulity of Thomas, Church of the Holy apostles,
southwallofthenaos,thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1260 ........29 Dečani,viewofthenarthex ....................................30 ChurchofSaintSophiainConstantinople(Istanbul).............. 31 Constantinople—a composite view of the 6th to the 11th
centuries, painting by jean-Léon Huens (1921–1982),
fromNationalGeographic,December1983...................32 Djurdjevi Stupovi Monastery, Church of Saint George,
12thcentury...............................................34 Sopoćani Monastery, Holy Trinity Church, 13th century . . . . . . . . . . . 35 MileševaMonastery,ChurchoftheascensionofChrist,
13thcentury...............................................36 TheChurchoftheHolyApostlesPeterandPaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Studenica Monastery, Church of the Mother of God,
12thcentury...............................................37 Žiča Monastery (the seat of the Serbian archbishopric
before moving to Peć), Church of the ascension of Christ,
Katholicon of Hilandar Monastery
(Church of the Presentation of the Mother of God),
Mountathos,Greece,1300–1316............................39 SealofSerbianPrinceStrojimirfromtheninthcentury...........40 Archangel Michael, Church of Saint Demetrius, western bay,
westwall,thePatriarchateofPeć,1322–1324 .................41 The Dormition of the Mother of God,
westernbay,westwall,Dečani,1347–1348.................42-43 The Council of Saint Simeon Nemanja and King Milutin,
Church of Saint Demetrius, vault of the western bay,
Serbia under King Stefan Nemanjić the First Crowned
Saint Stephen the Protomartyr,
Patron Saint of Serbian Medieval State and Nemanjić
Family,southwesternpartofthenaos,Dečani ................49 SerbiaunderKingMilutin(1282–1321)..........................50 Serbian Despotate during the reign
ofDjuradjBranković(1427–1456)...........................50 ChrysobullsealofPrinceLazar,gold,1379–1380 ................. 51 The Visitation—The Virgin Mary and Saint Elizabeth,
Church of the Mother of God Hodegetria, diaconicon,
thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1335 .............................53 Two-lightwindow,Dečani.................................. 54-55 The Wedding at Canna of Galilee,
vault of the narthex, the Patriarchate of Peć, 1565. . . . . . . . . . . 56-57 The Mission of the Apostles, Church of the Holy apostles,
ThePatriarchateofPeć,viewfromtheeast ......................68 ThePatriarchateofPeć,groundplan............................69 AscensionofChrist,detail:angelandapostlePeter,
Church of the Holy apostles, dome,
thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1260.............................70 Deisis, Church of the Holy apostles,
conchoftheapse,thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1260 ............72 Service of the Hierarchs, Church of the Holy apostles,
altarapse,thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1260 ...................73 Entrance of the Church of Saint Demetrius,
14th century,thePatriarchateofPeć .........................74 Iconostasis, detail: parapet panels, Church of Saint Demetrius,
thePatriarchateofPeć,14thcentury .........................75 EntranceoftheChurchoftheMotherofGodHodegetria,
eastwallofthenarthex,thePatriarchateofPeć ...............76 Family Tree of the Nemanjić Dynasty, east wall of the narthex,
thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1331..............................78 FamilyTreeoftheNemanjićDynasty,detail.....................78 Christ Pantocrator, Church of the Mother of God Hodegetria,
dome,thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1335 ....................... 81 Service of the Hierarchs, detail: Saint Sava – First archbishop
of Serbia, Saint Gregory the Theologian and Saint Basil
(the Great) of Cappadocia, altar apse, Church of the Mother ofGodHodegetria,thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1335 ...........82
Archbishop Daniel (Danilo) II (1324–1337) with theProphetDaniel,thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1335...........83
The Infant Mother of God Caressed by her Parents JoachimandAnna,ChurchoftheMotherof
God Hodegetria, south arm of the cross, south wall, thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1335 .............................85
The Nativity of Christ, Church of the Mother of
God Hodegetria, south arm of the cross,
vault, the Patriarchate of Peć, ca. 1335 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Ascension of Christ, Church of the Mother of God Hodegetria, altarvault,thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1335 ...................86
Church of the Mother of God Hodegetria,
northwest bay, vault, the Patriarchate of Peć, ca. 1335 . . . . . . . . . . 87
Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles – Pentecost,
Church of Saint Demetrius, western bay, northwall,thePatriarchateofPeć,1322-1324.................88
and future Emperor Dušan and Saint Sava, ChurchofSaintDemetrius,westernbay, southwall,thePatriarchateofPeć,1322-1324.................89
Prophet Isaiah and the Prophet Solomon, Church of
Saint Demetrius, subdomicial area, soffit of the southern arch,thePatriarchateofPeć,1322-1324 ......................90
Christ the Savior of the World, Church of the Holy apostles, southpilaster,thePatriarchateofPeć,before1350............. 91
The Mother of God Paraklesis, detail: Christ Child,
Church of the Holy apostles, north pilaster, thePatriarchateofPeć,before1350..........................92
List of Illustrations
Holy Trinity – Abraham’s hospitality, Descent into Hades, Church of the Mother altar,eastwall,Gračanica,1318−1321.......................... 5 of God Hodegetria, north arm of the cross,
Wisdomhasbuiltherhouse(Proverbs9:1), vault,thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1335........................64
altar,eastwall,Gračanica,1318−1321..........................6 Ascension of Christ, detail: the Mother of God, Church
of the Holy apostles, tambour of the dome,
thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1260 .............................. 11
SerbiainEurope,Kosovo-MetohijainSerbia ..................... 12
SaintJohntheBaptist,ChapelofSaintNicholas, theTreasuryofthePatriarchateofPeć.......................67
westwall,thePatriarchateofPeć,ca.1260................. 58-59
HermitageofSaintPeterofKoriša,thedome oftheHolyapostles,thePatriarchateofPeć..................93
withtwolayersoffrescos,13thand14thcentury................61 MonasteryofSaintPeterofKoriša,groundplan..................62 HermitageofSaintPeterofKoriša,reconstruction ...............63
Serbian Kings Stephen the First-crowned and Stephen Uroš I asmonastics,westbay,southwall,ChurchoftheHoly
apostles, the Patriarchat of Peć, ca. 1300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
near istok, in Metohija, originating from the 6th century, renovated in the 13th and 14th century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Church of the Mother of God at Hvosno, ideal reconstruction . . . . . 66
Epitaphios of Hvosno, mid-14th century,

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