Page 105 - Четворојеванђеље
P. 105

Chapter 13 (105) GOSPEL OF MATTHEW
   good soil, and yielded fruit: some a hundred times as much, some sixty, and some thirty. Anyone who has ears for listening should listen!”
End to Friday.
he disciples came and asked him, *“Why do you speak to them in parables?” He answered them, “To you, it is given to know the mysteries
of the Kingdom of Heaven, but to them, it is not given. Anyone who has will be given more and will have in abundance; but the one who does not have will be deprived even of what he has. Therefore, I speak to them in parables, because seeing, they may not see; and hearing, they may not hear, and nei- ther do they understand. In them, the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: By hearing you will hear, and will in no way understand; Seeing you will see, and will in no way perceive: for this peo- ple’s heart has grown callous; their ears are dull of hearing, they have closed their eyes; otherwise, per- haps they might perceive with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their heart, and should turn again; and I would heal them. But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear! Amen, I tell you that many among the
Monday of the 6th Week:
At that time, the discples came to Jesus and asked him: ...*
     Per. 51.

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