Page 1051 - Четворојеванђеље
P. 1051

GOSPELS (1051) at Orthros and in the Liturgies
   (14) St. Nina, equal-to-the-Apostles,
enlightener of Georgia.
St. Sava the First Archbishop of Serbia.
At the Orthros, Gospel according to Matt., In the Liturgy, Gospel according to John,
(15) St. Paul of Thebes and John Clabytes.
In the Liturgy, Gospel according to Matt., St. Gabriel of Lesnovo.
At the Orthros, Gospel according to Matt., In the Liturgy, Gospel according to Luke,
(16) Veneration of the Precious Chains of the Holy and All-glorious Apostle Peter.
In the Liturgy, Gospel according to John, St. Romilos of Ravanica.
At the Orthros, Gospel according to Matt., In the Liturgy, Gospel according to Luke,
(17) St. Anthony the Great.
At the Orthros, Gospel according to Matt., In the Liturgy, Gospel according to Luke,
per. 11. per. 36.
per. 43.
per. 43. per. 77.
per. 67.
per. 10. per. 24.
per. 43. per. 24.
(18) St. Athanasius the Great. St. Cyril of Alexandria.
In the Liturgy, Gospel according to Matt., St. Maximus Archbishop of Serbia.
At the Orthros, Gospel according to John, In the Liturgy, Gospel according to Matt.,
(19) St. Macarius the Great.
St. Mark of Ephesus.
In the Liturgy, Gospel according to Matt.,
per. 11.
per. 36. per. 11.
per. 43.

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