Page 53 - Te Horeta Te Taniwha
P. 53

3. K-W-L
A K-W-L chart was introduced in the before-reading stage. The first two questions should have been completed in the before-reading stage. For the after-reading stage, ask students to go back to the chart and fill in the ‘L’ part – What did I learn from this reading. K-W-L stands for the following three questions:
K = What do I know already about this topic? W = What do I want to know?
L = What did I learn from this reading?
4. Research/ Inquiry
Ask students to research one of the people, treasures or places in the story. Have students create a profile of the selected research topic and compile their findings in a format of their choice i.e. digital presentation, poster, biography, oral presentation, play.
Note: more information about inquiry learning can be accessed in the teachers’ notes that accompany this project.

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