Page 6 - UPSON FollowUp Issue 3
P. 6

  Upson\u2019s Interventional\u000A On April 22, 2021, around 9:00 a.m., 45 year old Ronald Ogletree was visiting his parents who live across the street from him. All of a sudden, his wrist started hurting. \u201CThe pain moved up my elbow, then to my shoulder and jaw. I started tasting iron,\u201D Ronald said. \u201CMy mom gave me an aspirin and I just knew I had to call 911,\u201D he added. The ambulance then pulled in his parent\u2019s driveway and headed to the Upson Regional Medical Center Emergency Room. \u201CAs soon I as I was notified, I headed straight to the hospital from Hampton,\u201D Ronald\u2019s wife, Jennifer, stated. \u201CWhen I got to the Emergency Room, I wasn\u2019t able to go back to Ronald because they were trying to stabilize him. Tears were literally streaming down my face. I honestly thought we were in a movie. Everyone was moving so fast,\u201D she added.\u000AUpson Regional Medical Center cardiologist Dr. Ryan Macwar then revealed to Jennifer that Ronald had a widowmaker heart attack, which is a heart attack caused by a 100% blockage of the left anterior descending artery. \u201CIt is one of the most fatal heart attacks,\u201D stated Jennifer. Jennifer recalls Dr. Macwar telling her that he and the Upson Regional Medical Center Cath Lab team would take great care of Ronald. Next thing she knew, Ronald was out of the Cath Lab, where he had a stent put in, and looked so much better.\u000A\u201CEveryone was awesome throughout the whole process. Dr. Macwar updated the rest of the family through speaker phone and was so patient and thorough with all of us,\u201D Jennifer said.\u000A\u201CI had no symptoms leading up to the heart attack,\u201D Ronnie said.\u201Cif Upson Regional didn\u2019t have an interventional cath lab, I would not be here,\u201D\u000Ahe added.\u000ARonald now has to take medication and wear a LifeVest, which is a personal defibrillator vest that restores a normal heartbeat, if needed, by sending an electric pulse or shock to the heart. However, he is getting stronger every single day.\u000ARonald has been taking it easy, but finally is now back doing activities he loves such as going to church at Risen Life Fellowship Church in Griffin.\u000A\u201CI just want to say thank you to everyone who was involved in my care at Upson Regional Medical Center. You truly saved my life,\u201D Ronnie said.\u000A                                      4\u000A 

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