Page 22 - FollowUP_Magazine_Issue_2
P. 22

 Advance Directives
What is an advance directive? An advance directive is a written instruction, such as a living will or durable power of attorney for health care, recognized under State law relating to the provision of health care when the individual is not able to communicate those choices. The Georgia Advance Directive for Healthcare is one document with two parts: a healthcare agent form and a living will.
What is a healthcare agent and what is a living will? A healthcare agent is the person you appoint to make your decisions about your medical care if you become unable to do so yourself. A living will is a document that communicates your wishes about medical care in the event you are terminally ill or can no longer make your own decisions.
Who should complete an advance directive?
Anyone over the age of 18. Unforeseeable health crises can happen to anyone and it is vital for your family to know what your preferences are and who you would like to speak on your behalf.
Can I have more than one person be my health care agent? You can appoint a second and third person as your alternate agent (s). The alternate will step in if the first person you name as agent is unable, unwilling or unavailable to act for you.
What if I change my mind? You can revoke your healthcare agency form and living will by destroying the documents and orally expressing the intent to revoke the advance directive for health care in the presence of a witness 18 years of age or older who confirms this in writing within 30 days. The revocation is effective when the treating physician documents it in the medical record. Your physician must be notified of your revocation of your living will for it to be effective. If you get married after completing your healthcare agent form, your marriage automatically revokes the power of your agent. If you have appointed your spouse as your agent and your marriage ends, your agent’s power is automatically revoked.
Do I need an attorney to complete an advance directive? No, it only requires two witnesses.
To whom should I give copies? Healthcare providers, person(s) chosen to be your healthcare agent(s) and your family. You
should also keep copy for yourself and put in a place easily accessible.
Where can I get more information?
You can ask your physician or call 706-647-8111 ext. 1240.

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