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P. 33
2019 Calendar Series
Blueberries contain the antioxidant anthocyanins, which strengthen blood capillaries, improving circulation and helping the transport of nutrients around the body.
Elder ower can help to promote sweating, encouraging detoxi cation, and it boosts overall resistance to illness. It is also useful in the treatment of gout and for calming allergic responses.
Cranberries have natural anti-bacterial properties, help to treat and prevent cystitis. The condensed tannins they contain prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract.
Evening primrose oil is one of the richest known direct sources of gamma linoleic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid. This substance is converted into prostaglandins, which help to regulate the immune system.
Pumpkins contain high levels of carotenoids, help to prevent cancer of the colon as well as heart disease. It is rich in antioxidant vitamin C, which help to ght viruses such as colds, and resistance to disease.
Beetroot rich in iron, it enhances the production of disease- ghting antibodies, white blood cells (including phagocytes). It also stimulates red blood cells and improves the supply of oxygen to cells.
Passion fruit is a good source of vitamin C, which ghts viruses and bacteria. It also contains carotenoids, which
the body transforms into antioxidant vitamin A, an important cancer- ghter.
Pineapple is rich in the enzyme bromelain, which helps to reduce in ammation and swelling. It is rich in vitamin C, which supports the immune system and defends against free radicals.
Chamomile contains antioxidant avonoids which help to ght harmful free radicals and protect against infection and disease. It is mild sedative, and when taken as a tea can
aid sleep and calm nerves.
Rocket contains high levels of vitamin C, a powerfully antioxidant nutrient that helps to prevent the body against toxins and boosts resistance to viruses and other infections.