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January 2021
                                       The School Connexion

                                       From the
                                       Principal’s Desk

                                              “Instead of worrying about what you cannot control,
                                                  shift your energy to what you can create.”
        T       he year 2020 came as a challenge to us but we delivered our very best in all fields. Be it academics, co curricular, life skills,

                fine arts, it has been our constant endeavour to ensure that the potential of our students blossoms and flourishes and they
                hone their skills and nurture their creativity to develop holistically.
                 It has been a year of sustained team work, perseverance and endurance. And nothing could have been achieved without our
        fraternity of committed and competent staff members and a strong support from our stakeholders. The trust and confidence that the
        parents have  reposed in the school have played a significant role in enabling the school to deliver the best educational experiences
        amidst all challenges. Our alumni, too, have contributed by  providing guidance and  sharing their expertise in  diverse fields .

        As we ring out the Old and ring in the New “Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come , whispering` It will be happier’…” May
        this year usher in new happiness, new goals, new hope, new achievements, new aspirations and  freedom to enjoy each other’s company.
        “ Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain, because if we stop dreaming , we stop living…”
        With love and best wishes

        Ms Meenu Goswami
                        “Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.”
     Accolades                                     top 50 schools of the country in ‘India’s Prestigious School

                                                     Our school got ranked as ‘Innovative Leader’ among the

            In The Times School Survey 2020, our
            school  bagged  the  First  rank  under          Jury Awards 2020’ by Education Today.
            the category  ‘North Delhi Leaders’
            for the 8th consecutive time.

                                            Leading  Schools of the
                                            World Services Pvt. Ltd.
                                            has shortlisted our school
                                            as one of the 30 ‘Leading
                                            Schools’ of India.

                                   Our school is the
                                   proud recipient of            Bal Bharati Public School, Pitampura has been
                                   the ‘Stree Shakti            selected for the Top 20 Leading & Most Promising
                                   Sammaan’ bestowed              School of the Year in India Award 2020 under
                                   by Rethink India, a            ‘Quality Academics & Leading Infrastructure’
                                   platform promoted by           category by the National Educational Excellence
                                   a group of IITians &                     Awards & Conference 2020.
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