Page 4 - WCF Newsletter - Spring 2023
P. 4

                                THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF FARMERS
   The Lord Mayor’s Show
 Saturday 12 November saw the Master and Wardens, with the team from Surrey Docks Farm, take part in the annual Lord Mayor’s Show.
Richard Price writes: “It has been a both a pleasure and honour to work with a great team of people to deliver this year’s WCF entry for the Lord Mayor’s Show, showcasing British produce and celebrating 70 years of the company supporting farming in the City. The original theme was to celebrate Her Majesty’s Jubilee, which would include a grey Fergie from 1952 and the current T8 model from 2022.
“After the passing of the Queen, the Royal Household and Pageant Master’s office were still very keen to see the tractor in the procession, so we removed the Jubilee material and promoted the 70 years of farming in the City.
“The team included Massey Ferguson, NFU, Red Tractor and Surrey Docks Farm. It was great to pull everyone together and we managed to deliver a fantastic float, which included 10 of
Richard Price (L) and Andrew Blenkiron with the float
the youngsters from the Surrey Docks farm. Gemma and Claire do a fantastic job at the farm and I was amazed at the volume of people that visit the farm over the course of the year. The visit on the day before the show with the NFU ambassadors was excellent, and
everybody enjoyed seeing the nuggets of innovation around the site and to experience the passion that they all have in what they do. It was great to catch up with all the NFU ambassadors and for the Master to be able to thank all the relevant people and organisations for everything that had done for the 2022 entry. The post-meeting meal at Haz restaurant near St Paul’s was kindly sponsored by Massey Ferguson.
“NFU and Red Tractor put a lot of time into the graphics, design and look of the float, which was excellent. It was Amy Hubbard’s first Lord Mayor’s Show and she was very organised and proud of what she and her team had achieved. We are also very grateful to Andrew Blenkiron of Euston Estate, for all the preparation of the float, and to Jonathan in the Estate workshop for putting it all together. Andrew has looked after the last five years of our entries and has quietly put a lot of time into this with his team. We are very grateful to him.
“Saturday morning started at 6am for Andrew and I, meeting Rainthorpe’s Transport, who delivered the tractor trailer and grey Fergie. By 11am all of the NFU ambassadors, Surrey Docks youngsters and the Master and his team were ready to start their journey through the city of London on the three- mile procession.
“The cloudless, warm day went very well and we had a great response from the public supporting the float, our Company and British agriculture.”
   Presenting the new John Thorpe Salver
 The Master presented, for the first time, the ‘new’ John Thorpe Salver – for the Squadron which has won the most points throughout the year for outdoor activities – to 1159 Edmonton Squadron.
Wing Commander Niall Cumming and his wife attended the Banquet at Goldsmiths Hall, together with O/Cs from our other military affiliations; the Army Reserves Westminster Dragoons and RAF Waddington.

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