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An estimate received for the planned equipment for the applied technology building indicates a need for more than $2.5 million. Private sector funding is needed to equip the following areas in the new building:
Applied Technology Building Equipment
• Robotics/Automation/Mechatronics/Smart Factory/ Renewable Energy Laboratory
• Industrial HVAC/Plumbing/Shop Space
• CDL Simulation and Heavy Equipment Laboratory • Makerspace
• Welding Laboratory
• Welding Simulation Laboratory
The value of an endowment that allows the college to implement, update and sustain the technology that is the core of what we do,
is immeasurable. Wor-Wic has integrated technology into its educational practices with simulation labs, smart classrooms and
an electronic library. We have more than 75 simulation health care mannequins today -- costing between $7,500 and $75,000 each. The firearms training simulation equipment used to train police officers in our Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy costs more than $125,000 and needs replacing. Every classroom is equipped with at least $10,000 of instructional technology. Biology labs are equipped with virtual reality software to enhance learning. Students can hold
a virtual heart in their hands while it is beating and rotate it so they can better understand how it functions. The cost of recent upgrades to our science labs totaled more than $150,000. All of this technology must be upgraded on a regular basis.
Technology Across Campus
An additional infusion of endowment funds will provide financial
resources for students who fall outside the parameters of traditional
financial aid. Only about 15 percent of our students meet the criteria
for the Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship program.
Current Costs
One group of students not eligible for aid are high school students
who want to take advantage of dual enrollment or an important new to complete a two-year program
dual enrollment and early college initiative that Wor-Wic is offering in collaboration with local high schools. We also have a summer program for school-aged gifted and talented students that, because of cost, is inaccessible to the economically disadvantaged. Another group in need is older adults who realize that they can no longer be successful without enhanced technological skills, but who cannot afford the financial costs of classes and missed work time.
Tuition and fees for one student of study
Additional expenses of books and/or supplies