Page 29 - June 2018 Disruption Report Flip Book
P. 29

  is very, very unique about the technology. So you can secure it, you can position it, you can show how a contract or data or object changes over time, as it goes through a blockchain. And you can do it across all sorts of organizations.
They are able to safely share the information about the food from fork to table. And it’s shared once between all the parties in a blockchain—who are in many cases are competitors.
They might be small farmers, they might be companies. They’re actually able to share that information, because it’s secure and lockdown and they only share what they need to share. It actually safeguards them as competitors. So one of the really interesting things, as we watch this technology emerge, is that these networks are growing up with very small users in some cases and then very competitive users and others and resulting in very different business models. (Code 2018 Conference, Recode, 05/30/18)
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