Page 7 - July 2018 Disruption Report
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Concerns around scalability and performance will lead to the rise of new platforms and approaches.
Blockchains will start to interoperate, allowing cross-chain swaps and cross-chain data transfers. “The possibilities that open up when these disparate applications, initially deployed by different groups for different purposes, can interoperate in the future are mind-boggling,” said R3’s Richard Brown.
There will be hybrid blockchains (public + private). The hybrid blockchain consists of public and private blockchain networks, which ensures that every transaction is private but still verifiable by an immutable record on the public state of blockchain. In its public state, each transaction gets approved by a massive network and is essentially secure and trustworthy, thus eliminating the need for a central governing body. Hybrid blockchains will be used by financial institutions to secure private information about their customer on their private blockchain and obtain public information, such as collateral information about a property or physical asset, from a public blockchain. Hybrid blockchains will have a wide array of applications for financial services, travel, energy, aviation, etc. to support business process re-engineering, financing, supply-chain, procurement etc (History and Evolution of ICOs, BlockchainHub, 06/21/18; Entrepreneur India, Atul Khekade, 01/20/18)
  “Tokens [used on the blockchain] will be able to convey all sorts of value,” said Bridget van Kralingen, IBM’s senior vice president of global industries, platforms and blockchain. “The fact that Bitcoin—or all other sorts of digital currencies—they will be traded. There will be a market. And these will be utilities that will be traded and tokenized. We [at IBM] believe that it’s important to
be able to support many, many types of tokens for different markets. ...I see a world where lots of market exchanges and lots of types of tokens will evolve.” (Fortune’s Balancing the Ledger, Bridget van Kralingen, 07/17/18)
Bitcoin hasn’t gone anywhere, and—in the same vein—a new set of [tech] teams is ‘decentralizing’ finance,” wrote CBInsights.
“We envision a world in which all forms of value are tokenized on public blockchains,” said Will Warren, CEO of Ox. “Combined with a set of open financial primitives, we can build a global financial system that is more efficient, transparent, and equitable than any system that has existed in the past.”
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