Page 11 - March 2018 Disruption Report
P. 11

 Banks are applying distributed ledger technology to transform business from the ground-up
“Eventually, blockchain will eat the  nancial system as we know it,” according to Bonner & Partners’ Inner Circle. “All assets will become ‘tokenized’ and represented on a blockchain. That means we’ll be able to transact with them on a blockchain—without any middlemen.” (Inner Circle, Chris Lowe, 03/31/18)
BI Intelligence’s Maria Terekhova wrote:
 Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) are proving attractive to  nancial institutions (FIs) because of their ability to act as a single source of truth. DLTs can distribute information securely between a network of participants, thereby cutting out middlemen, improving transaction times, and greatly reducing redundancy and costs.
   DLTs like blockchain and smart contracts stand to save the  nancial services (FS) industry up to $50 billion a year. This can be achieved through improved operational ef ciencies, reduced human error, and better regulatory compliance.
The technology is being explored actively in all segments of FS, but some sectors are seeing particularly high activity. Segments like trade  nance, insurance, and capital
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