Page 11 - BIYF 2016 Booklet
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Amíkolé trained in Vinyasa Yoga with Yoga To the People in
New York City. She is also a Ph.D. medical anthropologist with a longstanding research focus on childbirth and midwifery in Toledo, Belize. She is the founder of Amíkolé’s Shea Butter natural skincare products and is currently developing Mango Meditation Healing Arts Center in Punta Gorda. Amikole will be leading a Vinyasa Flow class at the Festival, coordinating
breath with movement to ensure continuous flow during moments of stillness; an invitation to close your eyes and open your heart. 601-9375
Aloma Hall is a Certified Yoga Instructor and a member of
Om Shanti Belize where she teaches Hatha Yoga and Children’s Yoga. She also teaches Karma Yoga in vulnerable communities through ROC Om Shanti Belize. She will be offering a Hatha
Yoga class during the Festival. Hatha yoga is a practice of
balance and energy through physical yoga postures designed to align and calm your body, mind, and spirit in preparation for meditation.
Noele Sutherland - Mclain is a Certified Yoga Instructor,
Founder of Go-Yoga, a collective of instructors that offers yoga to resorts and business all over Belize and the US. Noele has been a practitioner of many styles of yoga for over a quarter century, from Bikram and Ashtanga to Hatha and Power Flow. She was certified as an instructor in 2011 in Colorado with Core Power Yoga and did more training in 2015 with Om Shanti Belize. Noele will be leading a Power Yoga class during the Festival, an
energizing vinyasa flow with powerful variations on asanas.
Katie Numi Usher is an Activist, Feminist, Poet and a
Certified Yoga Instructor. Poetry, reading, writing, dancing, hiking and yoga are her healing and anxiety management methods. Katie enjoy’s sharing yoga with children and youth. She teaches children's yoga at Om Shanti Belize, and will be leading a Children Yoga class at the Festival. Her class will engage
the children with yoga basics, fun and self-esteem boosting. "

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