Page 28 - Lions Link 11-18
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District 2-X1 Achievement Awards
On October 20th several Women Lions were recognized for their achievements with certificates signed by International President Gudrun Yngvadottir. These ladies have excelled in their efforts over the past year. The award for Leadership went to Zone Chair Lion Christy Householter. The award for Service went to LSTF President and PDG Lion Kathy Fletcher. The Award for Membership went to Grand Prairie President and current Zone Chair Lion Esmeralda Rodriguez. The award for Marketing went to Sports Extravaganza Marketing Chair and current President of the Dallas Filipino Lion Gloria Mathur.
  Leadership Award Lion Christy Householter.
Membership Award Lion Esmeralda Rodriguez
20th Year Sports Extravaganza Kick-Off
Both District 2-X1 Governor Keith Murray and District 2-E2 Governor Pete Koschelew gave their welcome speeches, followed by words of gratitude and presentation of the plaques for the volunteers and sponsors by PDG Julia Johnson (District 2-X1) and PDG Tom Westerman (District 2-E2). Randy Foegeder (Region 10 SEC) and Lion Christy Householter (Region 10 SEC and Richardson Noon LC) was given a special awards for their 20 years services at Sport Extravaganza.
Service Award PDG Lion Kathy Fletcher
  Marketing Award Lion Gloria Mathur (accepting Lion Vinod)

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