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Dallas Everest Continues Diabetes Awareness
Lion Vishnu Maya Upadhyay
The Dallas Everest Lions Club (DELC) presented a Diabetes Awareness health seminar January 20, 2019, from 10.30am to 12.30pm. The health seminar was held at Nepali Temple in the city of Irving, Tx. The purpose of the health seminar was to educate local community members on risk factors, causes, common symptoms, types of diabetes, and prevention. The aim of the health seminar was to encourage health and wellness while promoting diabetes awareness. In the U.S., there are 30.3 million individuals with diabetes. Diabetes in the U.S. population is largely undiagnosed; over 7 million U.S. adults have undiagnosed diabetes. Early detection and proper treatment of diabetes can prevent and delay potential complications.
The Dallas Everest Lions Club’s Health care coordinator, Dr. Vishnu
Maya Upadhyay DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, WHCNP-BC with the assistance
of Ashual Basyal, Ekta Upadhyay, Kritika Timalsina, Manjita Chhetri, Ritu
Upadhyay, and Vibhuti Panti presented a PowerPoint presentation
focusing on healthy lifestyle interventions. The importance of a healthy diet was stressed as community members were asked to identify what foods were healthy and unhealthy. Question and answer sessions were held to address individual concerns. 30 Digital glucometers and testing strips were given out to the participants.
Information was provided to community members on integrating glucose testing into their daily regimen. Community members were encouraged to achieve healthy lifestyles by being more physically active and incorporating better nutritional choices. Diabetes educational materials were shared with community members to reinforce a healthy lifestyle to prevent and treat diabetes with friends and family.
The Diabetes Awareness health seminar was an overwhelming success. The Dallas Everest Lions Club remains committed to addressing the challenges of Irving and surrounding communities. You are invited to come to our next Health Fair (see flyer below) on February 9th 2019 (see below) when we will be focusing on Cardiology Care. We would love to have you.