Page 21 - Lions Link 10-18
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Oak Cliff Lions’ Tradition - Legacy Lion Layne Vincent
Lion Nia Mackay Dallas Oak Cliff
We finally roast our dear Past President and a Legacy Lion, Layne Vincent on Wednesday Sept. 12, 2018 at our regular program time. Traditionally, the PP Roast event being held in the month of January, but due to work and other lame excuses, we weren't’ able to do it until last week. Lion PP Iris Smith, the PP Roast Coordinator, along with her sister Lion Frances Stinnett, set up the Weiss Auditorium as such, that we were able to accommodate the ‘water’ feature part of the program being conducted. Seventeen Lions took part at the ceremony by pledging $100.00 each to squirt, dribble, and or dump tap water to Lion Layne. The roast concluded by pouring a cream on PP Layne Vincent head’s by PP Iris Smith, and the smearing pie on his face by his beloved wife, Suzy Vincent. It’s was so much fun that we think it’s worth the waiting!
The total fund raised was $1,700.00 and this year, the Club decided to
put the whole amount in the Activity Account. Five guests, including PDG
(twice over) Ken Gleason-who also took part in ‘watering’ PP Layne, and
three lions from the new established Lancaster Centennial Lions Club
attended the event. Thank you to both PP Iris Smith and Frances Stinnett for their stellar job in putting the event together, and to all donators who are willing to show their appreciation to PP Layne Vincent.
The next PP Roast will be held for the immediate PP who also a Legacy Lion, John McCall Jr. Stay tune for more information regarding the date and venue for this event.
White Cane Day Solo Travel Independence Celebration
Lion Alicia Velasco District Chairman White Cane Programs
Please make a contribution to the Dallas Lighthouse for the Blind. The best way to do that is send a check (on the subject line please put White Cane Day) to 4306 Capitol Avenue, Dallas, TX, 75204. Please join us for the 2018 Dallas White Cane Day Solo Travel Independence Celebration in downtown Dallas. invite your families and friends and be a part of our extraordinary celebration with visually impaired North Texans. Our festivities are on Monday, October 15, at Dallas City Hall located 1500 Marilla Street Dallas, 75201.
The events begin at 10:00am and continue until about 1:00pm. We will celebrate and support Solo Travel Independence and much more. This year is the 54th anniversary since President Lyndon B. Johnson designated a White Cane Day proclamation.
The fall weather is generally perfect to begin the festivity with our healthy walk around Dallas City Hall. Afterwards, we’ll gather in the front lobby for our inspirational program. We commence with Dallas Mayor Rawlings’ proclamation, followed by inspiring speakers. In addition, a tasty lunch will be provided by our super sponsor Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers 76 “The Pony Express”. Please RSVP to Blake Lindsay at or 214-420-9419. Your response will ensure we have adequate food and minimal waste.