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Oak Cliff Lions KidSight Vision Screening
Lion Nia Mackay Dallas Oak Cliff
On Saturday, Sept. 22, 2018 four Lions and a guest served a Spot Vision Screening to adults and children attending Prep U Super Saturday event at the W. H. Adamson High School, in Oak Cliff from 9 AM to noon. The service was facilitated through LSTF Board member (Lion PDG Darla Wisdom) and PDG Wayne Meachum, with DISD Program Support Team, Alicia Davis.
 Lions Nia MacKay (left) and Sheryll McKay checking the Spot Vision
Armed with two Spot Vision Screeners and printers Lions Tom Richardson (LSTF Director, Plano Early LC), Sheryll McKay, Weaver Patterson, Nia MacKay (all members of Oak Cliff Lions Club) and daughter, Anissa, registered and checked 84 children from 2 years old to 22 as well as their parents and some grandparents’ eyes. The children came from 39 elementary, middle high, high schools, and 2 community colleges in Dallas County area. As much as 42% of the 84 people being screened, 42% has vision problem. Thee highest percentage of vision problem was obtained from the 20-100 years of age range, then followed by the 2-6 years of age range (44% and 43%, respectively). Most of the people who has ‘Failed’ the screening were referred to see their school’s nurse or optometrist doctor for further diagnose and treatment.
According to Ms. Davis, there were approximately 1,500 people attended the event, spread a crossed the Adamson high school area. Despite short notice, District 2-X1 has stepped up to fulfill the quest. Once again, the term ‘when there’s a need, there’s a lion’ proof to be true.
The next Prep U Super Saturday will be on Saturday Oct. 27, 2018 from 9 to noon at L. G. Pinkston HS, Dallas, TX. If your Club interested to be part of this event please contact Ms. Alicia Davis at, before Oct. 12, 2018. Go Lions: WE SERVE!!!
 Lancaster Centennial Lions Club Charter Night
The Charter Night for the new Lancaster Centennial Charter Lions Club on Friday evening, Sept. 21, 2018 at the Grand Hall of Lancaster Recreation Center, was a stellar success, well attended by the sponsoring Club members (yes, that means us!), community and civic leaders, as well as officers and members from other Lions Clubs from District 2-X1. More than 20 Oak Cliff Lions, including President Anastasia Semos-Shelton and her husband, Bob Shelton, PDG Wayne Meachum, PDG Darla Wisdom, PP Iris Smith, and 2nd VP Paul Nielsen and his wife, Patricia.
In the Fall festive of the Grand Hall, donated and decorated by Lions PP Iris Smith and PDG Darla Wisdom, and witnessed by well over 100 attendees, Lion PDG Wayne Meachum, who MC’ed the program, received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Immediate Past Governor Henry White for his efforts in assisting and guiding the new Lions Club formed and chartered. Two other Lions from the new Club received certificate of acknowledgment for they support and leadership to make this possible.
Senator Lion Royce West and Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price gave speeches and congratulated the new Charter Club and its leader, encouraged them to set the bar high. IPDG Henry White installed all members and officers of the new Chartered Club, then gave the honor to the Oak Cliff Lions present to pin the Centennial Lions Charter pins to the new chartered members. At this event, the sponsor Club’s president, Lion Anastasia performed the customary honor of presenting the chartered club’s banner to LCCL Club president, Lion Ernest Taylor. The Charter Night was closed by the parade of checks given by the Oak Cliff Lions and representatives of numerous Lions Clubs as well as a personal gift from Lion PCC John Eads, to help the new club to start their endeavors as new chartered Lions Club to serve its community and at large. Lions Iris and Darla donated all the flower pots from the center piece to the new Club as a gift of good wishes. CONGRATULATION! 3

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