Page 78 - 2018-19 District 2-X1 Directory - Preliminary
P. 78
Century Club - Enroll a friend or family member with their first annual Century Club donation. There are five different Annual Century Club donation levels to choose
from: Bronze ($100), Silver ($250), Gold ($500), Diamond ($1000) and Ambassador ($5000). With enrollment, they will receive a personalized membership plaque and medallion, lapel pin, sticker and patch. Following the initial gift of enrollment, they will be given the opportunity to continue their membership with an annual reminder.
Endowment Tree: (Leaves, Rocks, and Boulder): The donations to the Endowment Tree (located in the TLC lobby and personalized with the recipient’s name) are: Silver Leaf $500, Gold Leaf $750, Endowment Rock $5000- $9999, and Endowment Boulders $10,000+
Funds contributed as 100%, Memorials,
Life Memberships and Century Club are deposited into the General Operating Account.
Funds contributed and designated for trusts, endowment or building are deposited in the respective fund accounts
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The TRUST FUNDS are restrictive funds forpurchase and maintenance of the Texas Lions Camp.
The ENDOWMENT FUNDS are restrictive funds and the principal cannot be used. Only interest can be used in the operation of the Camp. Designate as
“Endowment Fund”.
The BUILDING FUNDS are restrictive funds to the specific building project at the Lions Camp. Designate for the specific Building Fund.
Indicate to which Fund the check is to be deposited, and also the recipient wherever applicable.
Make all checks payable to, then mail to:
The Texas Lions Camp P.O. Box 290247 Kerrville, TX 78029-0247