Page 83 - 2018-19 District 2-X1 Directory - Preliminary
P. 83
The Lions Clubs of the State of Texas formed the Texas Lions Foundation in 1984 in order to provide grants for Humanitarian & Disaster Relief purposes. Funds for these grants come from the Lions Clubs and the Lions in Texas who make voluntary contributions to the Texas Lions Foundation or have conducted fund-raising events specifically to benefit the Texas Lions Foundation. Requests for Emergency Grant, up to a limit of $2000, for immediate needs (for purchase of food, clothing, medical supplies, construction materials and blankets for disaster victims) in the wake of a natural disaster are considered by the Foundation.
Club's 100% Contribution is $2 per member based on July 1 membership. Designate the check for 100%.
Texas Lions Foundation Award: (formerly known as Sustaining Membership Award) is $125.Designate the check for “Texas Lions Foundation Award”. Designate the recipient who will receive the elegantly crafted silver and gold plate (6”x9”) with honoree’s name inscribed therein
TexasLionsFOUNDATIONFellowAward - istohonor a person or business in whose name a gift of $500 or more is made to the Foundation. They will receive a Plaque and Pin. TherewillbeaPlaqueintheTexasLionsStateOffice listing all Texas Lions Foundation Fellows and
the year they were designated. For each additional $500 donated to the Texas Lions Foundation in the name of the same person, a diamond will be added to the plaque and pin. For example, a gift of $1,500 would entitle the individual to be a ‘2 star Texas Lions Foundation Fellow’.
Designate the check for “Texas Lions Foundation Fellow Award”. Designate the recipient.
All Funds contributed to The Texas Lions Foundation are deposited into the Foundation's Corpus.
Mail to:
PDG Don Johnson
2334 Linda Lane Duncanville, TX 75137
H: 214-762-3852
Make all checks payable to:
The Texas Lions Foundation.
Designate the check and the name of the recipient as applicable.